Saturday, August 31, 2019

Quantification of Proteins in Solution by Spectrophotometer Essay

Introduction: Absorption spectroscopy is a common method for finding the concentration of proteins or protein complexes in a solution. Proteins absorb light at specific wavelengths and can be defined by the equation A = log (Io/I). This equation states that an absorbance at a specific wavelength, A is equal to the log of the ratio of incident light intensity (Io), to transmitted light intensity (I). A spectrophotometer can be used quantitatively and qualitatively. A spectrophotometer is used qualitatively to obtain an absorption spectrum, which can be obtained by plotting the absorbance values, over the range of wavelengths tested for the solution. This helps to find out the suitable wavelength that the compound absorbs maximum. And the spectrophotometer is used quantitatively by using the Beer-Lambert Law; Log [ Io/I] = A = ÃŽ ¾cl, where ÃŽ ¾ is the molar extinction coefficient (unit = Lmol-1cm-1), helps to define the absorbance of the protein, c is the concentration of the substance (mol liter-1), and l is the path length of the light (unit = cm) through the medium. Log [Io/I] is called optical density or absorbance of the substance, and does not have units. Also, an absorption spectrum is created, which deals with absorption and wavelength (nm) of light used, with which â€Å"maximum absorption† is observed. Maximum absorption is when most of the solution particles are absorbed, and this happens at a specific wavelength. Since the Beer Lambert law is useful only for a range of wavelengths, it is not applicable to all protein solutions. In this experiment, an absolute standard was calculated using BSA, so that the concentrations of the other unknown protein solutions can be determined (Lambert, 2011).The different assays used for this protein quantification were Lowry, Bradford (Coomassie Blue) and UV direct. Protein assays help to determine the amount of desired particle present (Srivastava, 2008). The aim of this lab is to understand the various aspects of spectrophotometry and its applications in biochemistry, such as quanitification of protein solutions. Methods: (Carleton University, 2012) The steps were followed without any changes made. Results: Figure1. Absorption spectrum of 6Ãâ€"10-5M p-np solution in 0.02M NaOH, for wavelength range between 330-800nm using a Novaspec spectrophotometer. Sample Calculation: c = 6Ãâ€"10-5M l = 1cm A = 1.166 The Beer Lambert equation is A = Æ cl Rearranged, Æ  = A/cl Æ  = 1.166/(6Ãâ€"10-5)*1 Æ  = 1.94Ãâ€"104 L mol-1 cm-1 Table1. Values of extinction coefficient (Lmol-1cm-1) determined using Beer-Lambert Law. Figure2. Absolute standard curve obtained for BSA test protein solution with the 3 different assays tested (Lowry, Coomassie Blue, UV). Table 2. Absorbance values recorded for different protein dilutions (2X, 5X, 10X) for the three assays used, namely Lowry, Coomassie Blue and UV direct. Sample Calculation for BSA stock protein: * Lowry Equation of line from Fig2; y = -5Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.0016x + 0.038 For 5 fold; y = 5 * 0.44 = 2.20 Substituting in equation; 2.20 = 5Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.0016x + 0.038 X1 = 1600  µg/ml = 1.6mg/ml For 10 fold; y = 10 * 0.23 = 2.30 Substituting in equation; 2.30 = 5Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.0016x + 0.038 X2 = 1600  µg/ml = 1.6mg/ml (X1 + x2)/2 = 1.6mg/ml * Coomassie Blue Equation of line from fig2; y = -7Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.002x + 0.0219 For 5 fold; y = 5 * 0.36 = 1.80 Substituting in equation; 1.80 = -7Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.002x + 0.0219 X1 = 1428.57  µg/ml = 1.4mg/ml For 10 fold; y = 10 * 0.20 = 2.00 Substituting in equation; 2.00 = -7Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.002x + 0.0219 X2 = 1428.57  µg/ml = 1.4mg/ml (x1+ x2)/2 = 1.4mg/ml * UV direct Equation of line from fig 2; y = 0.0006x + 0.0175 For 2 fold; y = 2 * 0.42 = 0.84 Substituting in equation; 0.84 = 0.0006x + 0.0175 X1 = 1374.16  µg/ml = 1.4mg/ml For 5 fold; y = 5 * 0.15 = 0.75 Substituting in equation; 0.75 = 0.0006x + 0.0175 X2 = 1179.16  µg/ml = 1.2mg/ml (x1 + x2)/2 = 1.3mg/ml Discussion: Figure 1 shows the absorption spectrum of stock solution (6Ãâ€"10-5M), p-nitrophenol and 0.02M NaOH, and from the graph it can be inferred that 400nm is the wavelength of maximum absorption because absorption is noted to be the highest at this point. Absorbance is noted to increase when wavelength increases till it reaches the point of maximum absorption, after which it decreases till it nearly reaches zero. It is best to consider wavelength of maximum absorption because stronger the intensity, the more accurate will be the readings for absorbance. As seen from table 1, the path lengths remain the same as the cuvettes used were of the same size. The Beer-Lambert Law states that Abs = Æ .c.l, where Æ  = molar extinction coefficient, c = concentration of protein solution, and l = path length of light through medium. Thus, it is noted that absorbance and path length share a directly proportional relationship, i.e. if path length increases, absorbance increases as well. It was clear ly observed in the wide and narrow test-tubes, that as the path length was doubled, the absorbance value doubled too (Srivastava, 2008). Also, from the same equation, it can be determined that absorbance and concentration share a directly proportional relationship meaning that as the concentration decreases, it directly affects the absorbance value obtained, and this value decreases too. Thus, as seen for the four cuvettes tested (in Table 1) as the concentration is halved in every cuvette, the absorbance value is halved correspondingly as well. It is known that the Beer-Lambert law says absorbance is proportional to number of absorbing molecules, and that this is valid for a variety of compounds over a wide range of concentrations. But even as the molar extinction coefficient is seen to be attributed to wavelength, it is true only for monochromatic light (Lambert, 2011). The relationship can be stated as â€Å"Æ  is a measure of the amount of light absorbed per unit concentration†. Molar extinction coefficient is a constant for a particular substance, therefore according to the Beer-Lambert Law it is expected that if the concentration of the solution is halved so is the absorbance. A compound with a high molar extinction is very effective at absorbing light (of the appropriate wavelength), and hence low concentrations of a compound with a high molar extinction can be easily detected. In the values determined (Table 1), the experimental values are in accordance with the theoretical statement except for one cuvette. The cuvette no.3 with Æ  = 1.8Ãâ€"10-4 L mol-1cm-1 does not agree with the trend. Thus it can be deduced that due to experimental error, the Æ  value is inaccurate. Also, from the equation it is understood that Æ  and path-length are inversely proportional as well (i.e. Æ  = Abs/cl) that means that as path-length increases, Æ  decreases, assuming that the concentration is kept constant. But the experimental values do not agree with this statement, because it is seen that as the path-length increases so does the molar extinction coefficient, Æ . Biochemical methods are applied for to determine protein concentration in solutions. Many techniques are less used because they have limitations such as reduced sensitivity, time available for the assay, or they are highly specific about the amino acids in the protein solution being tested. But for e very protein, the component amino acids are different, so there is no single assay that can be used for quantification of all proteins. The absorbance assays use the method of testing the intensity of the color produced by the protein solutions when chemical reagents are added to it. A â€Å"standard protein† whose concentration is known, is treated using the same chemical reagents and thus an absolute standard curve is obtained (Boyer, 2000). In this experiment, the standard used was Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). Development of color is significantly better in BSA than any other protein, and this makes it one of the most preferred test solutions for quantification of proteins (Antharavally, 2008). Hence figure 2 is obtained by performing the three suitable assays on BSA to produce a standard curve, also it can be noted that only the UV direct gave a straight line passing through zero, whereas the Lowry and Coomassie Blue gave curved lines, passing through zero. Table 2 shows the absorbance values recorded, for different dilutions of the test protein in three different assays. With the help of the values obtained in Table 2, and with the equations obtained from Figure 2, the concentration of protein (mg/ml) was calculated and presented in Table 3. Since all the values in Table 3 were deduced from the equation of standard curve BSA, it is considered as the absolute standard, and the other test protein solutions are known as the relative standards. Using the values from Table 3, taking BSA as the absolute standard, the almost actual concentration of the protein (mg/ml) can be concluded, and they are 1.6 (mg/ml) for Lowry assay, 1.4 (mg/ml) for Coomassie Blue and 1.3 (mg/ml) for UV direct. For Lowry assay, the concentration value for all test proteins was 1.6 mg/ml, which must mean that the value obtained is accurate. For Coomassie blue, BSA and Hemoglobin were the same (1.4mg/ml), Ovalbumin and Lysozyme had similar values of 1.9mg/ml, and 1.8mg/ml respectively, whereas Gamma globulin showed 2.5mg/ml. The value for Gamma globulin is off because of experimental error, of spilling some of the contents from the cuvette while transferring it to the spectrophotometer for calibration. For UV direct, BSA and Ovalbumin have similar readings (1.3mg/ml and 1.5mg/ml respectively), Gamma globulin is 2.5mg/ml, but Lysozyme is 5.9mg/ml and Hemoglobin is 3.8mg/ml. The reason for this could be due to the fact that UV direct helps to identify the presence of aromatic compounds indicating that Lysozyme and Hemoglobin contain aromatic compounds present in them. The Lowry protein assay is the most common and one of the more sensitive, but it is time consuming, on the other hand Coomassie blue (the Bradford assay) is much more sensitive as compared to Lowry, and requires less time too. They both show change of color with proteins. As for UV direct method, it is one of the faster methods too, and it is helpful to identify aromatic compounds because aromatic residues absorb 280nm light (Boyer, 2000). The Lowry procedure can detect protein levels as low as 5 µg (Boyer, 2000). It depends on the color development by the reagent Folin-Ciocalteu. Peptide bonds are formed under alkaline Cu2+ conditions and reduced from Folin-Ciocalteu phosphomolybdate-phosphotungsten by aromatic amino acids (tyrosine and tryptophan) to heteropolymolybdenum blue. The standard curve obtained with BSA helps to determine concentration of unknown protein solutions (Antharapally, 2008). In the case of Coomassie blue, it is more efficient than Lowry because even though there is variation with different proteins, there is very less interference by non protein components (Borley, 2000). Therefore, according to literature, Coomassie Blue is the most preferred protein assay but this contrasts the experimental inferences, because through experimental procedure it was seen that Lowry method gave the most accurate and precise results. With this experiment, the method to quantify unknown protein concentrations has been understood. Also, that this process must be performed carefully to avoid irrational experimental errors. References: Antharavally B.S, Bell P.A, Haney P, Mallia K.A, Rangaraj P. 2008. Quantitation of proteins using a dye–metal-based colorimetric protein assay. Analytical Biochemistry. 385; 342-245. Boyer R, 2000. Modern Experimental Biochemistry, third edition. Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc. USA. (41-45). Lambert J.B, Gronert S, Lightner D.A, Shurvell H.F, 2011. Organic Structural Spectroscopy, second edition. Pearson Education, Inc, New Jersey. (401, 404) Srivastava M.L, 2008. Bioanalytical Techniques. Alpha Science International, Ltd. Oxford, UK. (58,118)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Julius Caesar ACT II Study Guide Questions Essay

1. Through the analogy of a ladder, how does Brutus explain what happens when someone gains power? 2. To what does Brutus compare Caesar? Why does Brutus feel that he must kill Caesar immediately? 3. What day is it? Why is this significant? 4. Brutus explains that he has not been able to sleep. How does he explain what happens to a man’s conscience between the â€Å"acting of a dreadful thing / And the first motion†? 5. How are Cassius and Brutus related? 6. Why does Brutus insist that the men do not need an oath? 7. Why do the men want Cicero on their side at first? Why do they change their minds? 8. Who does Cassius want to murder in addition to Caesar? 9. What is Brutus’s response to this idea? 10. How does Decius plan to get Caesar to come to the Capitol? 11. What has Portia noticed about Brutus’s recent behavior? 12. What reasons does Portia give to insist that Brutus reveal his feelings to her? 13. What does Portia do to prove her strength to Brutus? What is your reaction to this act? BONUS: An anachronism is when an author unknowingly or purposefully inserts something from a different period of time into his or her writing. Shakespeare uses an anachronism in this scene. See if you can find it. Why do you think Shakespeare might have used this anachronism? Scene Two 1. Why has Calpurnia been unable to sleep? About what omens does Calpurnia tell Caesar? 2. Why does Caesar insist on leaving the house? 3. On what evidence do the priests (â€Å"augerers†) recommend that Caesar not leave the house? 4. How does Decius convince Caesar to leave? 5. Caesar instructs his men to keep close to him. What is the irony? Scene Three 1. Artemidorus reads from a letter at the beginning of this scene. Who wrote the letter and what does Artemidorus plan to do with it?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Is Booking Travel over the Internet Causing the Decline of High Street Travel Agents? Essay

Is booking travel over the internet causing the decline of high street travel agents? During the decade leading up to 2007, ways of buying tourism products as changed a lot. Ten years ago people choosing a holiday more often than not a package holiday, by going to the travel agent and choosing one from a number of brochures and after chatting with the travel agent. Many people still chose this method but a lot more people are buying packing holidays, more people now buy online, or over the telephone, through teletext. People tended to find it cheaper to and more flexible to buy their flights from one internet site, their accommodation from another and book a hire car with another site, rather than buying a package holiday out of a tour operator’s brochure. They are not always financially, protected when booking travel separately. Holidaymakers are â€Å"turning their backs on the traditional high-street travel agent in favour of booking trips online†, reports sundayherald. com. Between 2000 and 2004 there was an 11% drop in the number of bookings made at travel agents, with only 47% of overseas holidays now being reserved through a high street travel agency, according to figures from market researchers Mintel. Many people book breaks by phone, and just 31% of overseas trips were booked in person in 2004,† says the report. â€Å"The research shows that traditional sun, sand and sangria package holidays are the main type of trip booked on the high street, with just one in five d omestic trips booked at travel agencies. Richard Cope, international travel analyst at Mintel, reportedly said consumer confidence in the internet was driving people away from booking in person. â€Å"Mintel’s research shows that almost one in five UK holidays are now booked online, with consumers becoming increasingly confident about making their own travel arrangements. † Mintel figures also indicated that, overall, more holidays are being taken. In 2004 65% of British people went on holiday, compared to 62% in 2000. Some 44% of holidaymakers now take more than one holiday a year, up 14% since 2000. Altogether, Britons took 43 million holidays abroad in 2004. http://www. m-travel. com/news/2005/10/number_of_booki. html Technological changes within tourism surround several different factors from medical advances to the innovative space tourism. Similar to tourism, technology is an ever changing and sometimes unstable business. Better communication, transport and safety have encouraged new consumers to the industry. Improvements in water supply, medicine and knowledge have meant areas are opened up which were not possible before technological advances. In today’s society in which a consumer wants easier, quicker and cheaper service only technology has helped tourism fulfil the customers demand. Another massive effect on tourism is the rapid increase in online booking that has given consumers more opportunity to make a holiday. Through technological advances, online booking has been one of the biggest factors in affecting tourism, leisure and recreation in today’s world. There were 37,600,000 Internet users in the United Kingdom (representing 62. % of the population) in March 2007, according to Internet World Stats. This was up by 144. 2% compared to 2000. (Internet World Stats, March 2007) and a new Google Survey has shown that surfing the web has topped watching television as Britain’s favourite past time. On average residents in the UK spend 164 minutes online every day compared to 148 minutes watching television (Daily Mail, Friday 10th March 2006). This shows how much the internet is now an integral part of life and has had an effect on other aspects influencing the tourism business. More and more people are now booking their holiday on the internet, as many people are looking for a better priced deal than they’re being offered by their travel agent. Both holiday and airline bookings have not dramatically rose in sales from the travel slump of 2001-02 due to the massive consequences of September 11th and the threat of terrorism which has increased (it saw similar slumps although smaller after the Madrid bombings and 7/7 terrorist attacks). The Iraq war, the SARS/bird flu epidemics and very consistent hot European summers have persuaded the usual long haul travellers to stay at home. This has seen a loss in sales and therefore profits causing one of the hardest aviation crises of the industry. The number of job cuts that were announced in 2003/04 was well over 100,000 according to BBC News, November 2005. Routes had been slashed and several European carriers were barely clinging to life. The turmoil in the industry went from Aer Lingus to XL Airways, but times were changing and the industry needed something new. Survival tactics started to emerge and online travel started to show evidence of bucking this gloomy trend. The Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG), as cited in a May 21, 2002, Financial Times article had cited for many years that online spending was increasing and predicted it to triple at the end of the decade. Looking at e-commerce data overall, the firm counted travel as the biggest online sector, followed by electronic products and apparel. IMRG also said British shoppers were buying larger and more expensive goods online, such as furniture and kitchen appliances. This showed a large gap in the sub-market that needed to be exploited. Online Travel Spend ($bn) Europe N. AmericaU. K 20002. 4 6. 4 0. 20015. 8 11. 00 1. 8 200212. 7 18. 7 3. 7 Source: Datamonitor At the start of the boom these were seen as survival tactics by the airlines and the government also pushed for more progress in online booking to make the travel industry more prosperous. The economic realities forced travel companies to be more efficient in running their business. Websites, for example were able to promote the latest ticket prices, particularly at a time when they were being slashed on a day-to-day basis which was used to tempt travelers back into the air. Similarly travel sites e-mailed a wide ustomer base with relative ease to promote special deals. It is seen as the cheapest method of booking a holiday, the LogicaCMG (a marketing body) has said that phone bookings typically cost about ? 30 to service. By contrast net bookings cost around 75p. One of the biggest online travel sites Expedia, took an initial knock from 11 September, but then saw its transaction volumes recover by 80-85% during October. â€Å"Like every travel company, we experienced a downturn, but we then recovered a lot more quickly than the traditional industry† said James Vaile, managing director of Expedia in the UK. Online travel sites are also well positioned to exploit the recent procrastination by consumers in booking holidays. People are booking later than usual in recent years and the internet is seen as the obvious and natural place to hunt down last-minute bargains. As this bar chart shows travel sales online rose rapidly from 2006-2007 and it is expected to continue to rise to over $30 billion. The consumers weren’t only using the internet to book their holidays but also to research and gain knowledge of the destinations they wanted to go to. The search engines were flooded with searches over cheap flights, accommodation and new destinations (as shown in the rankings). From the bar chart below it shows that web-search is the preferred method of obtaining travel information with it being preferred nearly twice as much as personal recommendation, the second most preferred method. This is then followed by TV programmes, but the travel agents became the fourth option of consumers to collect travel information. Web-searches are high due to people liking to make their own decisions at their own pace and this can’t be done in travel agents where they are pushed, poked and pressured. This is unpleasant for the consumer and has changed the trend in which consumers went to travel agents for advice, whereas now they would rather use the internet. As this pie chart to the left shows the internet has had a huge impact on the booking of a holiday, with 79% of all booked holidays using the internet in the process. Also, the internet has seen a large increase in the number of â€Å"last minute† business as many tourists feel it is better-placed and they can search for the best priced, most suitable holidays or excursions. Furthermore, since the growth of the internet, online advertising has been used as a huge marketing tool, where holiday and travel providers can target large quantities of potential customers and keep advertising costs low. This has also been used to great effect as they appear to be a successful method and an efficient way of gaining business from the wallet-conscious consumers, whereas high street advertising receives less notice. Moreover, the internet has caused the high street travel agencies to close, therefore creating job losses within the businesses. This is mainly due to the fact that more people are booking direct with the holiday providers, thus cutting out the middle man and saving money by doing the research and booking themselves. This is usually done by using the internet or telephone booking where the overhead costs are much lower as an outlet has to be staffed and incur running costs such as electricity bills and also because of the larger volumes of people that are able to access the service. A recent example of this is was in 2001, when Airtours, the UK’s largest tour operator had to cut one-in-seven of its high street branches in an effort to return to profitability. According to finance director David Jardine, around 120 shops going under the name â€Å"Going Places† were closed as the business stated that they were finding there was an â€Å"increasing trend in customers wishing to book direct†. On the other hand, online companies such as Expedia. com have seen their profits on the rise over the past few years as would be expected, although they had not anticipated such a large growth. For the last three months of 2001, Expedia saw its net income surge to $19m according to BBC News, compared with a loss of $2. 6m in the same quarter of 2000 and also the firms evenues were in excess of $80 million for 2001, over double that for 2000, showing how quickly it has established itself as an efficient internet booking service. So in conclusion online booking for travel has dramatically changed tourism in the world. It has provided a less time consuming, cost effective and an overall efficient/productive method in organising tourism which has seen triggered a rapid rise in sales. Airlines are now recovering after effects that were unforeseen. BAA Limited, formerly the British Airport Association said seven UK Airports handled a total of 11. m passengers in August 2006 making it a record summer with the highest number of passengers ever recorded over a two month period. BAA also revealed here was a 6. 8% increase in passenger traffic for the 12 months to August 31st 2006. Bigger discounts and better security could tempt more people to book holidays online, a LogicaCMG survey (http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/technology/3939035. stm) found. However, the future of online booking although seen as prosperous can also turn, but due to the recovery in airline business they are starting to hit back. Prices are starting to rise and now you must book early to get the best price. The same survey revealed that online discounts were still not high enough to tempt potential customers onto travel websites and that the process was still too complicated for some consumers. A serious issue with online booking is the fear of fraud. Consumers are not convinced that any personal and financial information they hand over would be kept secure by online travel shops and this is slowing the potential growth that could occur otherwise. The Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) sees the online travel market having a long way to go before it replaces high street travel agents. ABTA estimates that by the end of 2007 online travel will be 17% of the UK’s ? 28bn travel market but this growth will only occur if trends continue as it relies on steadily growing numbers of people happy to book holidays online and as well as improvements in technology and the creation of better websites by travel firms. Issues over security, faults and complications need to be solved if this method of booking is to prosper. The travel industry although brash will always be around due to the need and want of consumers to travel. â€Å"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.

Theories in Movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Theories in Movies - Essay Example In conjunction with the uncertainty reduction theory, these theories affirmed that their applications enabled greater understanding of what actually transpired among the characters. Likewise, through the application of these theories, effective understanding of the intended messages was ultimately achieved. The selected movie is ‘The Man without a Face’ (Gibson, 1993). One selected the Narrative Theory or the Narrative Paradigm as a means to draw three conclusions of its applicability in the movie. According to the narrative paradigm, â€Å"humans are storytelling animals. The Narrative Paradigm proposes a narrative logic to replace the traditional logic of argument. Narrative logic, or the logic of good reasons, suggests that people judge the credibility of speakers by whether their stories hang together clearly (coherence and whether their stories ring true (fidelity)† (McGraw Hill Companies, 2001, p. 1). The narrative theory was seen to be applicable in the movie through the perspective of the main character, Chuck Nordstadt. At the beginning of the movie, Chuck was viewed to be narrating an incident where he was apparently at the center of the parade being honored for all the positive performance he exhibited. Apparently, Chuck was only dreaming. This is the first example from the movie where the narrative theory was clearly applied. Secondly, another story was delivered by Chuck’s sister, Gloria, who told Chuck the real story behind Chuck’s father’s death. Again, the narrative theory was evident since the actual story of what happened to Chuck’s father apparently happened years ago and without the knowledge of Chuck. Chuck’s mother and sisters deliberately withheld the information from Chuck. When Chuck learned about it, he was devastated. As such, Chuck obviously did not believe Gloria and had to search for documents to confirm and verify the accuracy of the story. The example fits the description of

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Exercise - Essay Example He says that what you consume is vital but what it emanates down to is how much you eat. Thus it is good to eat like the French do, they are the healthiest groups of people yet they have a number of the worst diets worldwide. And lastly, an individual is at an advantage consuming whole fresh foods instead of food products that have been processed. He wants his readers be aware that they should not just eat any food and should be aware that even some low-fat foods have been confirmed that they do not work. Therefore: one should be familiar with the ingredients in the food they consume; eat frequently plants; cook for yourself; pay extra for nutritious diets and eat less; and Eat like an omnivore and like the French. He also insists that people should keep off from supermarkets and eat real stuff that do not have health assertions (POLLAN, 2007). In his article, Pollen seems to answer the question on: whether are there more nutrients in foods that have been manufactured and are claiming to be nutritious than in natural foods?; And how sure are we that these studies on diets that claim certain foods to have nutrients have more benefits than harms to our health? His main idea is on nutritionism. He examines the effect nutritionism has on human beings. He does this through his explanation of how a political mix-up has made companies assert that their produce is healthy. This political mix-up is denoting to a situation where George McGovern contradicted himself on the matters concerning particular nutrient. He said publicly how the nutrient was unhealthy, and later he comes with an opposite opinion of his previous statements. Through this pollen paints an image that nutritionism is good for food companies and marketers but it is not good for human beings. He claims that human beings are contented to receive updates that they should consume more of one thing rather than another; we

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Pr 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pr 3 - Essay Example Although all the above qualities are desired in a school leader, I believe it is not fair to expect one person to be good at so many aspects of work. This is the reason why â€Å"shared leadership† seems to be an effective idea to me. In shared leadership, the leader passes around the command to the team according to the demand of the job. This is according to Burns theory of Transformational Leadership, which he defined as the â€Å"ability to empower others â€Å".In other areas as well, it is known that after a limit, benefits like salary hike do not motivate the employees any more. The trick beyond that limit is to give them decision making power. The same is true in education as well. An effective school leader helps staff members by providing personal attention, encourages them to think out of the box and shows trust in them by making them a part of important decision making. Another theory that seems to be very appealing to me especially in education is the Servant Leader theory. Educational institutions in our world are generally seen as institutions made to serve the community. Although education is big business nowadays, still people like to think of it as a place which is not for profit but for the welfare of students. In countries like India, schools are considered sacred just like a place of worship. Keeping in mind this mindset of the society, servant leaders are very suitable for schools. These leaders want to serve first, and in the process of serving, they acquire the wisdom, skills and authority of a leader. They are caring, helpful and sensitive to the needs of both the teachers and students of their school and work towards their success by doing constant labor themselves. The leader that has had a major impact on me can be considered as belonging to the servant leader class. Just as the theory describes, this leader was not the principal or top official of the school but was at the center of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Linguistic Backgrounds and Writing Skills Research Paper

Linguistic Backgrounds and Writing Skills - Research Paper Example However, the cross tabulation alone canoe be used to do the conclusion. An additional test needs to be conducted, to ascertain the observation. To achieve this factor, I proceeded to conduct a correlation test. The correlation test conducted between English writing achievements and whether one is a first generation American indicated a very small positive correlation of (0.017), at a significance level of 0.906. despite the correlation being a positive value, it is slightly above the zero level, and hence a conclusion can be made that, there is no significant correlation between the person’s achievements in English writing and whether he/ she is a first generation American. From these two test therefore, it is worth concluding that being a native English speaker plays little or no role in the person’s achievements in English writing skills. For this reason, the results of the cross tabulation can be considered valid and consequently leading to the acceptance of the null hypothesis. To examine the hypothesis, a descriptive analysis was done on the data. The study required examination of the percentage of the Native Americans who speak other languages. The table below shows the analysis of the group. From the analysis of the data, there were no missing values as shown in the table above. Out of the 100 participants, 53 were first generation Americans. From the analysis of the responses on whether they spoke other languages, 27 of the Natives replied that they do speak other languages. A graphical representation of the analysis is shown in the pie chart below. To examine the validity of this hypothesis, several tests were conducted, with the most vital one being the cross tabulation. The cross-tabulation of whether the respondent is a native speaker and the level to which he/she considers himself/herself a good writer revealed

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cybersecurity Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Cybersecurity - Coursework Example The paper throws light on cyberspace, a mine field for seekers of information. With every interaction with websites, there would be an increasing demand for personal information. Such have been used by malicious persons for their own gains. Air travel has been hard hit by cyber crime and cyber-security in airports has been a challenge with each passing day. The internet has been used for various purposes which include gathering, storage, processing and transfer of vast data amounts, which include sensitive and proprietary personal, transactional and business data. Organizations have heavily depended on computer systems for day-to-day businesses. Even as this capability has been relied more and more by various individuals and organizations, the internet has been plagued by threats of cyber-security. The information available in the internet has been used to create threats to operations of businesses and individuals. These threats evolve with the expansion of the internet and the risks that come with it continue to grow globally. The United States of America remain to be the hardest hit by cybercrime according to the report on internet crime by Bureau of Justice Assistance. There is a wide range of cyber attacks. Insider threats form the core perpetrators in computer crimes. According to Vatis, â€Å"insiders do not need a great deal of knowledge about computer intrusions† as they posses adequate knowledge on the systems which they attack which allows them to have unrestricted access â€Å"to damage the system or to steal system data†. ... ge about computer intrusions† as they posses adequate knowledge on the systems which they attack which allows them to have unrestricted access â€Å"to damage the system or to steal system data† (2002, p.3). Criminal groups have also increasingly used cyber intrusions for monetary gains. Vatis gives an example of such a group referred to as ‘Phonemasters’ who were indicted for stealing and accessing federal interest computer and being in possession of access devices for which they were unauthorized. Virus writers also pose a great threat to security in IT. Viruses propagate quickly because of the high speed networks currently available. Anti-virus software available and being careful with attachments would go a long way in curtailing such epidemics. Other cyber attacks emanate from terrorists, hackers and information warfare. Vatis defines cyber attacks as â€Å"computer-to-computer attacks carried out to steal, erase, or alter information or to destroy or impede the functionality of the target computer system† (2002, p.10). These could be categorized into three, namely; unauthorized intrusions where the attacker uses hacking techniques to break into a computer or unauthorized access by an insider to accomplish unauthorized tasks in the network; destructive worms or viruses spread through computers using forms of data exchange such as emails causing some parts of the network to lose functionality; and denial of service attacks where a computer would be overloaded with communication thus hampering its functionality. Due to the ever increasing critical business partners connected to customers and partners on the internet, many organizations have been left exposed to cyber attacks. There is no guarantee that malicious acts or intrusions would not happen. But aviation

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What it means to be an Employer of Choice Personal Statement

What it means to be an Employer of Choice - Personal Statement Example In simpler terms, they defined â€Å"Employer of Choice† as â€Å"it means that [quality] people will choose to work for you and they will: Choose to dedicate themselves to your success. Choose to stay with you, even when they are being courted by recruiters from other employers - recruiters with exceptionally attractive inducements. An employer of choice is one who inspires highly talented workers to join them and stay with them† (Cavell, 2004). A major area which makes employees consider an organization as an â€Å"Employer of Choice† is the atmosphere in the workplace. The workplace environment is focused on six principles which are the key drivers of employee engagement (The Training Foundation, 2011). These six principles are Caring about people, Honesty and fairness, Open communication, Involving people, Coaching and assisting and Ethical practice (CHOICE). An â€Å"Employer of Choice† awardee, The Martin Memorial Health Systems embodies these principles. They view their company as an organization not only engaged in health care services but as a venue for learning by supporting their associates and encouraging them to pursue their dreams and aspirations through further studies (Martin Memorial Health System, 2011). The second common issue which influences an individual’s perception of â€Å"Employer of Choice† is the values-based culture in an organization (The Training Foundation, 2011). According to the Training Foundation, â€Å"companies that honour values which chime with innate human motivators are rewarded by engaged employees and superior performance† (2011). One company which has exemplified this area is IBM which has been â€Å"Employer of Choice† for several years now. Its three-fold initiatives or the 3Cs for the employees have made them retain the position. These initiatives are capability, which refers to the â€Å"rigorous and ongoing career/skills development programs; climate which refers to

Friday, August 23, 2019

U.A.W. v. Johnson Control, Inc., 499 U.S. 187(1991) Essay

U.A.W. v. Johnson Control, Inc., 499 U.S. 187(1991) - Essay Example m that the respondent’s policy has created facial classification at the work place that is based on gender which discriminates against women on the basis of their gender (Becker 43). After some of the pregnant employees in a battery manufacturing became pregnant while maintaining blood lead levels, the company implemented a policy which barred all fertile women from the job. The affected employees filed a case in the district court claiming the policy constituted sex discrimination which violates the 1964 civil rights act. The court of appeal affirmed that despite the risk the company’s policy is discriminative. The holding of the court was that women should be given equal opportunities as men in the working place regardless of the risks since baring women from some positions is discrimination based on gender. Excluding fertile women or women with child bearing capacity from lead exposed job positions encourages facial classification that is based on gender and this this discriminates against the female employees with regard to their sex under 703 a of title VII The company’s lawyer argued that the safety of employees and their offspring should also be a major concern of the companies and the Johnson holding company was accepted to take the actions it took. He argued that the policy was not based on gender but the safety of the workers (Becker 44). In my opinion the company should only bar pregnant women from the jobs since the lead component is more hazardous to the foetus. There is evidence that the lead levels found in eight pregnant women was potentially harmful to the baby. The company barring all fertile women is sexually discriminative as by doing so it will be favouring the male

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Registrar Sample Letter to Student Essay Example for Free

Registrar Sample Letter to Student Essay FOR INFORMATION ONLY ACCUMULATED FAILING GRADES Faculty: This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Dean of your Faculty. This notice carries no academic penalty. A review of your UVic undergraduate records shows that you had accumulated five (5) or more failing grades over the course of your undergraduate studies at UVic (you may not have been assigned a failing grade in the current session). As your sessional gpa is adversely affected by any failing grades and as a low sessional gpa may cause you to become ineligible to continue your studies and be asked to withdraw from UVic (please see the sections under STANDING and WITHDRAWAL in the University Calendar) this letter is being sent to you for information only to help you avoid these possibilities. Please consider the following suggestions: 1. Choose your courses carefully 2. Avoid overloading yourself: be aware of your personal time commitment 3. Monitor your academic progress carefully on an on-going basis, being mindful of academic drop deadlines 4. Check with your department Undergraduate Advisor about course selection or to see if supplementary tutoring is available for particular problem courses 5. Talk with a Faculty Academic Advisor or the Assistant Dean to review your program/degree selection if necessary. 6. Consult Counselling Services if you require assistance with your study skills Best wishes for success in your future studies. Undergraduate Records University of Victoria FW

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Family Assessment Essay Example for Free

Family Assessment Essay Gordon’s functional health patterns is a method developed by Marjory Gordon, a nursing theorist and professor. The functional health patterns are to be used during the nursing process to obtain a more comprehensive assessment. There are 11 functional health patterns to in place to create a comprehensive assessment. The functional health patterns are values and health perception and management, sleep/rest, nutrition, activity/exercise, elimination, cognitive-perceptual, role relationship, self perception, coping-stress tolerance, sexuality and religion. In this paper, I will discuss all of these functional health patterns as they pertain to my husbands perception of our family. Functional Health Patterns I interviewed my husband using Gordon’s functional health pattern guided questions. Miguel is a 41 year old father of four children, Trysten who is 6, Tyernen is 5, Lola is 3 and Eva who is 14 months old. Miguel has been married to Susan for 13 years. He has been running a household for the past 5 years at, taking on the newest role for men as a stay at home parent. The Health Perception–Health Management pattern involves health practices used to reach current level of health or wellness and the individuals actual health status. Questions should focus on the individuals perceived health status and meaning of health. During the assessment of this pattern, a nurse may unearth other patterns that may need to be explored. (Edelman) Rarely sick, Miguel goes to the doctor when necessary and is on Zoloft for anxiety. The kids have been to the doctor this year for their well check ups. Trysten is battling allergies, and just got over a sinus infection. Eva had an ear infection and is now teething. Tyernen had his tonsils out last year. Lola is relatively healthy and Susan just discovered she has been starting to get migraines and is trying different home remedies for these. Nutritional-metabolic patterns focus on the nutrient intake relative to metabolic need. This includes evidence of nutritional balance (physical examination) and reports and description of food and fluid consumption (history). (Edelman) Many meals are eaten out, fast food and restaurants are frequented. When foods are cooked at home, stews, steak, chicken cutlets, pastas, bread, and salads are usually made. Snacks include fruits and banana shakes he makes for the kids. He is overweight and states he knows so. The kids are healthier, and the parents make better choices for them then they do for themselves. Susan is, too, overweight. A very important factor when assessing the sleep-rest pattern is the perception of getting an adequate amount of relaxation and sleep. If the individual reports energy levels waning or fatigue this may provide some indication of the individuals satisfaction. People have their own ideas about the roles that rest and sleep play in preparing the individual for desired or required daily activities. This pattern becomes extremely important when sleep and rest are reported as insufficient because it effects other aspects in the assessment. (Edelman) Miguel states that he has trouble sleeping and is often tired the next day. He states â€Å"the doctor ordered a sleep study for my sleep apnea I’m sure I have, but I never go. † Children sleep well through the night, approximately 10 hours. Susan just switch from working night shift to day shift, and is flipping her schedule around. Elimination patterns include bladder, skin and bowel function. Nurses ask the patient about regularity, quality, and quantity of stool and urine through reports from the individual any changes or perceived problems and about methods used to get regularity or control. Perspiration quantity and quality determine excretory skin function. (Edelman) In regards to his bathroom habits, he states he goes regularly. Miguels skin is clear, some dryness on elbows and knees noted. Hair and nails look healthy and clean. Children have normal patterns and skin is clear no dryness. Susan has drier skin, states bathroom needs are normal. The activity-exercise focuses on activity level, regular exercise program, and leisure time activities. Physical and subjective assessments include movement capability, activity tolerance, use of assistive devices, self-care ability, satisfaction with activity and exercise patterns, and any perceived problems. (Edelman) With the 4 children, he does get out and play with the kids, but there is no regular exercise routine. The children play everyday outside, wether in the park or in the yard. Susan doesn’t have a regular exercise program either. Cognitive patterns are the ability of the individual to understand and follow directions, make decisions, solve problems, retain information and use language appropriately. Auditory, olfactory, visual, gustatory, tactile, and kinesthetic sensations and perceptions impact the perceptual and sensory patterns. (Edelman) Cognitively, Miguel reads the news online and utilizes the internet to write to his family in Argentina. English is his second language, and he does need assistance expressing himself every once in a while. He does wear glasses, but they are more for driving needs. Children are developmentally on target for their respective ages. Susan is working full time, taking on line courses and running a home with the help of her husband. The sense of each individuals personal identity, emotional patterns, goals, and feelings about the self is the self perception pattern. Self-image and sense of worth come from the individuals perception of personal appearance, limitations, and competencies, including the individuals self-perception and others perceptions. (Edelman) Miguel wants to go back to school, but his family is first. At this time, he is at home, allowing his wife to continue her education to better their situation. He feels trapped at times, wants to go back to work. He wants to go to the gym, but his children are more important at this time. He reads to better his knowledge base and fixes the cars, thriving on a bargain when it is found. Again, children seem to be on with their developemental milestones. Susan is having trouble with her physical appearance. Though she projects a confident persona, she is uncomfortable with how she looks at this time. Roles-relationships pattern describes the identity the individual assumes with in a social group and how they interact with others with in that social group and how they are connected. The individuals perception is a large component of the assessment, as is the individuals subjective level of satisfaction with the roles and relationships they are in. (Edelman) Miguel states â€Å"I am a daddy, husband, and a friend. † He describes himself in his roles, â€Å"daddy† being the most important to him. The childrens role are still being determined due to the fact they are so young. Trysten is big brother to all and best friend to daddy. Tyernen is a big brother and in competition with Trysten all the time, though it seems to make them want to be better. Tyernen favors his mother, but jokes around often with daddy. Lola seems to have taken on the role of trouble maker, and Eva is following her footsteps. Susan has taken on the role of mother, breadwinner, student, and nurse (not in any specific order). She tends to lead the family, get everyone moving. The sexuality-reproductive pattern is defined by the individuals sexual functioning, sexual self-concept, methods of intimacy, and reproductive areas. The importance of sexuality to the individuals life and health is related to the relationship and self-perception patterns. Body image, gender identity and role are linked to sexual identity. Sexual functioning involves, but is not limited to, sexual relations with a partner. (Edelman) Miguel and Susan have not been physically intimate in a long while. Either one of them remember the last time. This is mostly due to Susan’s self-perception/body image and the busy lives that are being lead. Miguel has expressed more than once that the physical aspect of their shared sexuality is unsatisfying. The ability to manage stress in life is a learned behavior. Stress is an inevitable part of life; without it there is no motivation to grow. Most stress comes from minor irritations that build over time, not great tragedies. Edelman) There are many stressors affecting this family. Four young childrens’ demands, being in Arizona when we would prefer to be in New York, working full time, going back to school, staying home with the kids, many many stressors are impacting the lives of the two parents. For the most part, the stress is handled well, though we both seem to be r eaching for food too often and may need to re evaluate our coping mechanisms so it doesn’t impact the childrens learned coping mechanisms. The values-beliefs pattern is defined as the individuals goals, spiritual values and beliefs. Each of the 11 health patterns addresses the value systems of individuals, family, and society. Individual values or beliefs develop over time and guides the individuals life through societal influences and personal experiences with family. (Edelman) There is no firm religious influence in the home. The family is valued, belief in building a strong base for the children to grow. After compiling the data from the assessment of the family discussed in the paragraphs above, some nursing diagnosis that would be appropriate would be: Altered Nutrition more than body requirements related to using food as a coping mechanism. Sexual dysfunction related to change in body or self-image. Ineffective coping related to inadequate coping method. In conclusion, the functional health patterns gave me a better idea of what is happening in my family and how it is effecting my husband and our relationship. There is always an aspect of the health patterns that can be improved upon within a family, it is the nurses job when assessing to be thorough and helpful.

Division Of Labor in Modern Day

Division Of Labor in Modern Day Emile Durkheim was a sociologist who pioneered in the study of social order. He theorized how societies maintained social order on mechanical and organic forms as well as transitions to industrialized society form a primitive one. In a primitive society, people act and think alike because of a mechanical solidarity. On the other hand, an advanced society will have its people in divisions of labor where they are allocated and rewarded accordingly. Both moral and economic regulations are necessary in order for social order to exist and can be achieved by putting in place laws. The transition, therefore from a primitive to an advanced society may cause a crisis which eventually ceases upon maturity into an advanced society. Division of labor has an important role to play in the society since it does not rely on provision of economic services only, but also creates harmony between people. Economists would only look at division of labor as a means to increase production although much more need to be derived from it in form of living in new and better conditions. This fact contrasts with Marx theory which looks down upon division of labor as individualizing people and creating inequality in labor. The core principal why division of labor is vital is that humans derive happiness in being free to possess material thing and to seek them. This makes its influence to be on a personal level and based on ones psychological liking. Specialization in the face of division of labor creates a need in individuals to operate on a communal basis so that they may maximize the returns and hence increased happiness. As opposed to Marx theories, private property will not achieve much and he proposes a communal setting. The application of Durkheims theory on division of labor may be of great value to modern society. He uses scientific methods to explain the source and evolution of an ordered society. This gave rise to sociology which envisions the society as being composed of several factors which must act in tandem. Wherever there is a common ideology between people living together, they tend to have creative thinking that can be of use to them. This works well especially if they are great in numbers since they can always support each other. Division of labor has had a history of revolution to what it is today. Chapter 5: The Increasing Preponderance of Organic Solidarity and its Consequences Durkheim, in his division of labor theory proposes an organic like solidarity. The presence of laws to govern and regulate the society in that solidarity is essential. But what is ironical is that laws governing a society are sometimes repressive and apply to specific parts. The relationships in a society that would require penal measures are few compared to areas where say domestic, contractual and commercial laws may find application. The solidarity that may be sought by a common conscious society does not get the fullest expression in law. Cooperative law does not meet the threshold to enable social cohesion to take place. There is need to find relationships that exist although it has not been done previously. Organic solidarity contribution to the general harmony of a society need to be studied in detail and understood so that its application may be of benefit. An individual attachment to a society in dependent on a number of factors which includes forces and bonds which in turn may be strong or weak. This however may not be a reason why an individual may choose to remain in or leave a society. A case in study is the traditional tribal chiefs who got left by their followers in case of misunderstanding or difference in opinion. Under division of labor, events are somewhat different since people tend to rely on each other to meet their needs. A society would never risk being isolated from the rest of humanity because what they lack in provisions is obtained from the other society. An individual in such a circumstance of isolation may feel isolated and disturbed. To counter this, some tribes have systems of incorporating new members into the society by naturalization or adoption. A good example is Romans who provided refuge for those conquered during the war and hence the primitive society grew. The adopted individual was supposed to absorb the practices and beliefs of this new society. Solidarity ensures the person sticks if and only if there is harmony and relationships are maintained. There are various rules forbidding acts contrary to the sentiments of the collectivity which are either positive or negative and may involve such fields as religion, nationality, domesticity, work, traditions and sexual relations. Others have to do with personal conduct and possessions. Each of these sentiments has respective rule which may change over time according to the society and its level of advancement. In is notable that some of the rules have origin in the Ten Commandments or even in ancient civilizations like Greek and Romans. Morals were very important and an accusation of failure to comply was punishable. For example sentiments dealing with sexual relations are punishable according to the Pentateuch and various verses in the Bible support this. In addition, the Romans and Greeks too would define those acts they deemed immoral and either fine or punish the offender. Many other civilizations like Egyptians and West African tribes had ways to punish crimes committed and in different ways. Each crime on the other hand has different punitive measures it attracted. In religion, a number of taboos, sacrifices and rites were observed to please the deities. An individual failure to follow the norm could be deemed an outcast or even killed. Sexual immorality too had set down rules defining for example the kind of normal relationships and abnormal ones. The rules and regulations that existed sometimes ago were not always perfect and or applicable to each emerging situation. Slaves for example, despite being human, were excluded from justice whether they were against the society laws on not. In many societies, children are treated differently from adults and this can contribute their rights being denied. Modern society has nevertheless grown and so has the regulation that need to be in place. But what is evident is that no new rules have been introduced; only the intensity of their application has increased. The area of jurisdiction has also moved from the general society to be more individual oriented. Religion has been the most complex factor contributing to differences in social life. Each religion has its own deity and ways of life which need not necessarily conform to other people in order for them to exist. Further, religion has seen people make choices on where to live, who to associate with, eating habits, dressing and many other aspect of life. In primitive societies, such issues brought about many conflicts albeit in modern society, they have declined due to emergence of other aspects and disciplines of life. Economics, politics and other sciences have led people to differentiate between religion and social life; these two used to be synonymous. Any problem can thus be dealt with according to the field it belongs. Traditions have too been a hindrance because of the many and diverse teachings from the ancestors. Proverbs which encouraged or discouraged people in their endeavors still have power over peoples life. They in fact created a course on which an individual had to pass through out their life. Comparing one society to another is important so as to learn the best ideals for the modern ones. Division of labor in the face of all progressions in societies has been forefront in defining if those societies survive or perish. It is the division of labor that has acted as a glue to stick individuals together and whole societies in general. Modern technology and studies will help in learning the best forms of societies to maintain. Chapter 2: The Forced Division of Labor Existence of rules does not necessarily mean harmony. It is the same rules that make it possible to have evil in society. For example in a class was, division of labor created conflicts since those in the lower class may not be content with their share and contribution. This fact contrasts in other organisms which regardless of their position still maintain their class and work towards achieving goals assigned to them without desire to occupy other elements position or role. The scenario is different when it comes to human society because of ambitions and desires. No one can argue that they were destined for a particular type of job or live. When such discomforts arise it is then inevitable to change course and seek fulfillment elsewhere. Division of labor as already discussed is meant to produce solidarity and since this can not be achieved in cases of imitation common to humans, change and adjustments are necessary. A good case was recorded between plebeians and patricians where division of labor existed. Sooner, the plebeians began to imitate the upper class and sought the same roles they had because they had reached a point to see everyone in equal times. Conflicts arose resulting to a conclusion that solidarity can only be imperfect for it to exist. An individual nature must be in harmony with all social functions failure to which division of labor can not occur. This is achieved by realizing different abilities each an individual has and the skills they possess. But still there are some people who set higher goals beyond their abilities and therefore happiness is to them comes only after fulfilling their dreams. To such people, they should be made to understand that proportionality to ones means is important. Spontaneity becomes an element of use in every social setting where solidarity is implied. Individuals must also be able reject forced labor and no obstacles should hinder their pursuit to fit in any position. Caste system has seen people with abilities prevented from accessing jobs even though they have ability to perform. In modern times a trend similar can be found in some careers where it becomes very difficult to be absorbed or as if one is not right to be found there. Inequalities of this kind however have been in decline as people embrace fairness in employment for instance in public sector. Organic solidarity is compromised by external inequalities and this is by far felt by higher societies. Interesting enough is the fact that although individuals may feel dissatisfied because of inequalities; they will not be against the social order which is the root cause. They continue to support it considering that they derive beliefs and practices from the same society. The social order has also morals and religious systems that are deemed sacred. Inequalities are bound to be natural in such circumstances that an individual will suffer alone without raising eyebrows. In contrast, every cause affecting organic solidarity weakens the social bond. If any condition is touched then the whole set up suffers greatly and it translates to individuals disengaging from the social order. Equality is vital in external conditions so as to secure an individual to his or her function. All higher societies may require a consensus and shield themselves from any disturbance. The main difference between primitive and higher societies is the presence of voluminous laws that govern them. Contractual solidarity comes into play for the society to continue to live in harmony. Everything in any society has a social value that represents the usefulness of it towards meeting peoples needs. This value can not be measured mathematically but can only be felt. If it fluctuates, which can be caused by abnormal activities, the effort received must equal the effort given to create equilibrium. But generally humans would rather receive more than what they gave out thus a constraint need be in place to counter this effect. A sufficient condition for an equivalence to take place is that parties under a contract be placed under equal external conditions. When equality is achieved, complains become less and every individual therefore feels content. Contracts therefore will lead to consensus after having been through the necessary relations like ceremonies, intentions and formulae. Just as in the ancient civilizations, Romans, the rule and application of law was important in determining if a contract is null and void. Modern societies tend to shy away from real application of law and refuse to accept certain aspects of contracts. Example is when one party is placed at the mercy of the other and therefore becomes oppressed because they are weak. The public conscience will demand equal treatment and also value for whatever transaction there was. Economists have contributed by pointing out the spontaneity of social life should be devoid of constraint which only makes it deviate from natural causes. Morality and freedom are two values that ought to be checked so that they remain within the set limits. Regulation eventually brings about liberty. Some areas where inequality is observed are, for instance, physical strength and domestic life where each man can be higher or lower in comparison to another. This means then that liberty is not present. All external forces must be subordinate to social forces for social life to develop. It requires a man to sober up and become a social being in order that he can live with nature in harmony. Modern societies, unlike previous ones, need to work hard to mend social relationships. Moving away from the past where segmented social life was common to organized and developed societies. The earlier people depended on faith to survive and modern ones require justice. It is important to pursue these conditions as long as social revolution remains and no factors change. Relationship between the two chapters: The two chapters deal with organic solidarity and its merits and demerits in social life. As has been discussed in both chapters, division of labor is a very important feature in every social life. It ensures that people are left a choice to make the best out of their lives by embarking or playing on roles that would be beneficial to them. Both chapters encourage presence of division of labor with one insisting on presence of regulation and the other dealing with inequalities and external forces. Solidarity ensures unity so that whatever a person may wish to acquire can be achieved by depending on another say for assistance. The individual person is also considered the most important in the society since he is the smallest unit that defines what that society will look like. Therefore, the individual despite being regulated in his endeavor for sustainability also need to have certain freedoms. Regulation can happen by putting in place laws that will govern the daily undertakings of man to an extent where nobody is liable to cause conflicts. These laws must therefore be just and fair to every member of a society. Freedom in a society is also encouraged so that each individual acts in accordance with their abilities. This then means that systems which do not promote freedom of choice like the caste system need to be abolished to pave way to freer societies. Freedom can too be extended to material possessions whereby each person can possess as much as he may require in achieving happiness. Religion despite it playing a center stage in moral development should not be a hindrance to social progress. Elimination of forced labor is essential so as to ensure a person makes his choices out of free will and they are not coerced to follow a direction against their wish. Employment especially in public places should be done by considering ones abilities and skills and not the social background they come from. Equality is another factor that has been emphasized in both chapters; be it in accordance to an individual in relation to another or to factors affecting social life. In regard to an individual, equality comes about when transacting goods and services with other people. It ensures that a service received is commensurate to the one rendered and that no party gets to oppress the other. Isolation of an individual by the rest of the society is also considered to ensure that they become as much part of a society as possible. In conclusion, both chapters stress the need for division of labor in modern societies if they have to last. Such therefore can be attained in an environment where there is harmony, solidarity, equality, liberty, and just regulation. Durkheim, being the father of sociology, has made immense contribution and his theories if put to work can work for the benefit of mankind.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Inevitable Spread of Soviet-backed Communism in Eastern Europe Essa

The Inevitable Spread of Soviet-backed Communism in Eastern Europe At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States were principle players involved with reshaping post-war Europe. The region most affected policy changes was Eastern Europe, which includes those states that would eventually fall behind the Iron Curtain. While the camaraderie between the Big Three deteriorated, Soviet-backed communism was spreading across Eastern Europe. The argument during this time was that expansionism was inevitable since Stalin had already decided to establish Soviet power and Soviet-typed systems in the lands his army occupied; resistance was pointless. While nothing in history is inevitable, to a great extent, expansionism was highly probable, especially due to Eastern European political traditions, its political structure after World War II and the West's inactivity in the region which left the area more susceptible to Soviet-backed communism. As George Schopflin states, "Stalin, however ruthless and powerful he may have been, w as not possessed of superhuman abilities" (58). Prior to the war, Eastern Europe did not have a history of strong democratic traditions. Schopflin, who describes the region as "backward and authoritarian" goes on to say, "The bulk of the population was excluded from any significant control over political decision-making and tended to acquiesce in the old, established patterns of rule and deference" (38). From 1918 to 1944, Eastern Europe was dominated by great empires, such as the Habsburg and Ottoman empires, but almost overnight, that structure toppled, leaving a power vacuum. During the years between World War I and World War II, Eastern Europe looked to the West for a suc... Anglo-Soviet relations and conceded much of Eastern Europe. However, it was beneficial to the British and the Americans to sacrifice the region because they needed evidence to define the Soviet Union and communism as the enemy. Soviet-backed communist expansion was not inevitable, but it was greatly aided by international factors and Eastern European domestic factors. Bibliography Ash, Timothy. "Hungary's Revolution: Forty Years On" The New York Review. McCauley, Martin, ed. Communist Power in Europe 1944-1949. New York: Harper & Row publishers, 1977. Schopflin, George. Politcs in Eastern Europe 1945-1992. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993. Seton-Watson, Hugh. The East European Revolution. London: Methuen & Co., 1956. Yergin, Daniel. Shattered Peace: The Origins of the Cold War and the National Security State. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1977.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Inuit Land Rights, Whaling Jurisdiction, and Education :: Essays Papers

Inuit Land Rights, Whaling Jurisdiction, and Education â€Å"Common strategies are needed to confront a coming century of conflict and danger with our own imperatives for survival . . .[Common strategies are needed in] the quest for political and economic freedom with which to rebuild our own socially healthy and economically viable communities†. - Indian Country Today, July 2002. Today, the Inuit emerge on the modern global stage as one of many native groups claiming political sovereignty and national and international recognition of their collective rights. To be Inuit today is to be embedded in a constant, provocative political campaign against the influences of Western culture and assimilation. Indeed, in the last 40 years, the Inuit have lobbied and fought for the right to define themselves through the preservation of their traditions and customs: the Inuit fight for the right to whale, the right to control their own lands, and the autonomy to educate and raise their children as they see fit. Through grass roots organizations and skilled manipulation of our modern over-arching web of mass media, the Inuit share in â€Å"the quest for political and economic freedom† from Western concepts of the nation state, â€Å"primitive† cultural idealism, and minority marginalization. To be identified as â€Å"indigenous† in contemporary media is to be identified as a people allied in a highly sensitive internationalized struggle. In the Native world, â€Å"all are struggling over territorial, economic, political and cultural ground with their nation-state—over self-governance issues, jurisdictional sovereignties, and issues of land tenure and land use, hunting and fishing rights† (Indian Country Today). For Inuit peoples in Canada, land and sea jurisdiction is implicit for cultural survival and preservation. The ITC’s Nunavik Naming Project manifested cultural preservation through land rights. In 1973, a study of Inuit aboriginal rights to Canadian Territories recognized the need for â€Å"the Inuit conception of land use . . . [to be] translated into Qallunaat [non Inuit people] vernacular in order to ground the new claim: â€Å"this is Inuit land† † (Drummond 49). The Nunavik project, beginning among small committees and groups, became the mechanism that allowed for â€Å"the Inuit to be fortified with the same geographical, linguistic, and legal armaments that Quallunat use to stake their claims† (Drummond 50). In this effective grassroots movement, the Inuit claimed land ownership by creating and publicizing maps of the land they claim as their own, labeling all rivers and homesteads in the original Inuktitut, the Inuit language.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Comparison of the Sword in Beowulf and in Other Anglo-Saxon Poems :: comparison compare contrast essays

The Sword in Beowulf and in Other Anglo-Saxon Poems      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Is the sword mentioned only in Beowulf or is it a common element in all Anglo-Saxon poetry? Is the sword described the same way as in Beowulf?    In â€Å"Beowulf and Archaeology† Catherine M. Hills states: â€Å"The most important weapon referred to in Beowulf is the sword† (305). In the poem lines 1557 ff. tell the poet’s description of the sword Beowulf finds in the mere:    Then he saw among the armor  Ã‚   a victory-bright blade made by the giants,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   an uncracking edge, an honor for its bearer,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the best of weapons, but longer and heavier  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   than any other man could have ever carried  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   in the play of war-strokes, ornamented, burnished,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the work of giants.    Attention is now focused on the sword-hilt: â€Å"he grabbed the belted hilt† (1563). In the next line is mentioned hringmael or â€Å"ring ornamented†/†ring-patterned† as refering to the sword Beowulf found.   This might refer to â€Å"ring swords† found in Kentish graves of the sixth century and Scandinavian graves of the seventh century (Cramp 125-6). Line 1616 uses broden-mael, â€Å"wavy-ornamented†/†wavy-patterned† in reference to the sword which has melted because of the monster’s blood. Whether the translator sees these adjectives as referring to the hilt or to the blade does not matter, archaeologically speaking, because circular and interlacing patterns are found on both blades and hilts throughout the Anglo-Saxon period. These wavey or ring patterns occur from the twistng or weaving of the bands of hard and soft iron.    Lines 1687 ff. describes the Grendel sword hilt:    Hrothgar spoke,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   examined the hilt, great treasure of old.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There was engraved the origin of past strife,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   when the flood drowned, the pouring ocean killed  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the race of giants. Terribly they suffered,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   were a people strange to eternal God;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   their final payment the ruler sent them  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   by the rushing waters. On its bright gold facings  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   there were also runes set down in order,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   engraved, inlaid, which told for whom   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the sword was first worked, its hair-keen edges,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   twisted gold scrolled in the hilt,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the woven snake-blade.    Regarding the runes on the sword hilt, G. Stephens in his Handbook of Runic Monuments maintains that the only Anglo-Saxon runic inscription on a sword hilt is on the Gilton sword, and that it is unintelligible (Cramp 128).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

My English family Essay

he high competitive in the current circumstances brings a significant changes to people’s lifestyle. People’s lifestyle gradually becomes a workaholic’s lifestyle. The effect of workaholic’s lifestyle has advantages and disadvantages for several reasons as per the below. A workaholic’s lifestyle results to the problem of time management. A hard working people have not their personal time, because they spent most of time doing their job. They usually start job in the early morning and do it until night. Moreover, this problem causes a numerous influence in the family man. The relationship in their family will be quite distant so far, because the parents pay more attention to their job than take care their children. On the other hand, it brings about the enormous negative effects in term of health. There are many disease that are cause by a workaholic‘s lifestyle, including gastro-esophageal reflux disease, gastritis disease, obesity, and back pain. Some of these are chronic disease, and it spends long time to cure. However, most people lack of interest in their health. Even they find out that they have disease, they ignore to go to see a doctor. It leads to negative consequential outcomes in the future. However, the advantages of workaholic’s persons are that they will get a good performance, and get promoted in accordingly. In the eye of their supervisor, they are strenuous persons, and it shows that they attach significance to the job. Thus, they become the first priority persons who are considered to get any benefits, such as promotion and salary adjustment. To sum up, it is evident that a workaholic’s lifestyle has more disadvantage effects, especially the health. I think that it is not worth to sacrificing your health for your career. A workaholic‘s lifestyle makes you succeed in your career path, but it makes you fail in your personal‘s life. TOEFL listening lectures: Which designer did not work at the Bauhaus? Groffy You can meet me at Joined: 15 Mar 2010 Posts: 77 The effects of workaholics’ lifestyle #2 (permalink) Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:48 am The effects of workaholics’ lifestyle . A workaholic’s lifestyle /results to/STEMS FROM/ the problem of time management. A h Hard working people DO NOT have not their personal time, because they spenD most of THEIR time doing their job. They usually start job WORKING in the early morning and /do it/WORK/ until night. Moreover, this problem causes a HAS numerous influence CONSEQUENCES FOR the family man. The relationshipS WITHin their family will be quite distant so far, because the parents pay more attention to their job than IN takING care OF their children. On the other hand, it ALSO brings about the enormous negative effects in termS of health. There are many diseaseS WHICH are causeD by a workaholic‘s lifestyle, including gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, gastritis disease, obesity, and back pain. Some of these are chronic diseaseS, and it spends THEY TAKE A long time to cure. However, most people lack of interest in their health. Even WHEN they find out that they have A disease, they ignore to go GOING to see a doctor. It leads to negative consequential outcomes in the future. However, the advantages of workaholic’s persons are that they will GIVE a good performance, and get promoted in accordingly. In the eye of their supervisor, they are strenuous persons, and it shows that they attach significance to the job. Thus, they become the first priority persons who are considered to get any benefits, such as promotion and salary adjustment. To sum up, it is evident that a workaholic’s lifestyle has more disadvantage DAMAGING effects, especially ON theIR health. I think that it is not worth to sacrificing your health for your career. A workaholic‘s lifestyle makes you succeed in your career path, but it makes CAUSES you TO fail in your personal life. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Good morning Groffy. this is pretty good my friend, but you will only improve further by doing more reading of English publications, not grammar books. Kitos. 8/10 _________________ Keep it simple †¦ Keep it interesting. Kitosdad Language Coach Joined: 04 Mar 2009 Posts: 13497 Location: ESSEN, Germany, (but English.) TOEFL Prep Tests — Increase your Score with 120 free TOEFL Vocabulary TestsTOEFL Study Guide Guaranteed to Raise TOEFL scores without weeks and months of studying — View the Free ReportTOEFL Test Package — Learn the most difficult TOEFL vocabulary words you need to pass the TOEFL with these vocabulary tests and this unique flash card systemSign up for FREE and explore English! 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Friday, August 16, 2019

Brazil Employees Expectations Essay

In Brazil the maximum working hours per week are usually 40 to 44 hours, depending upon whether the employee works 5 or 6 days a week. The Brazilian Labour Law prescribes an annual vacation of 30 days which should be taken all at once or divided in two parts (one half must be of at least 20 days). Brazilian workers are eligible for full-time employment already at the age of 14 but there are certain protective regulations covering adolescents aged 14 to 18. Brazilian labour unions There are several thousand unions and umbrella organisations in Brazil which are supposed to support full-time workers. The Brazilian Trade Union Federation (Central Unica dos Trabalhadores) has made protection of employees and health policies one of its top priorities. Yet as most employees in Brazil work without an official work contract they have no access to the support of a labour union. Link: Employment Agreements Since labor laws are statutory in nature, labor contracts must fit squarely within their narrow parameters. Employment contracts cannot deviate from the law in any way that waives, releases, or circumvents a worker’s rights. Some employers get creative and choose to frame the relationship as that of an independent contractor, rather than an employee. However, structuring the relationship in that manner has little effect if a Labor court finds that the independent contractor was in fact performing activities of an employee as legally defined. Courts will consider variables such as work hours, place of work, subjectivity to the employer’s administrative rules, reporting requirements, and compensation, among others, in determining whether the individual is indeed an independent contractor or in fact an employee. Unfortunately for companies, courts tend to favor protecting the employee and usually grant whatever statutory benefit for which the individual has petitioned. Employee Wages and Hours After your company has established the type of relationship that it will have with the individual, it must comply with strict labor requirements. In Brazil, the minimum wage (â€Å"salà ¡rio mà ­nimo†) is currently set by the federal government at R$545.00 per month, although some regions may require a minimum that exceeds this baseline. Accompanying the minimum wage is the concept of the workday, or jornada, defined as the time the employee is available to the employer, whether performing his function or not. A workday cannot exceed eight (8) hours per day and 44 hours a week. Employees whose working hours exceed the maximum hours of work prescribed by law earn overtime, one of the major sources of labor litigation. Generally, the employee will earn time and a half for overtime hours worked. However, if overtime is earned on weekends and holidays, then the employee will earn two times the regularly earned wage. Employees working on commission are treated no differently, and are entitled to either double or time and a half commissions for all overtime hours worked. The legal workday varies depending on the industry involved. For example, bank workers, telephone operators, and doctors enjoy shorter workdays. Shift workers are also subject to different standards. If an employee works any one shift (morning, afternoon, or night) on any given week, his or her shift must be limited to six (6) hours. Employee Benefits Brazilian employees enjoy many benefits. For example, Brazilian law calls for a â€Å"thirteenth salary† (â€Å"dà ©cimo terceiro†), plus 30 days of vacation time that all employees earn at the end of each year. Disbursement of at least half of the â€Å"thirteenth salary† must be made by November, or in the month when the employee takes vacation, if he or she has solicited the thirteenth salary in January. The last portion must be paid by December 20. Employers must also comply with social contributions and the FGTS (Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Servià §o, or â€Å"Guarantee Fund for Time of Service†). Both regular earnings and the thirteenth salary are subject to the FGTS, which corresponds to an eight (8) percent withholding of the monthly salary plus 0.5 percent of social contribution by the employer. This fund provides financial support in certain employment termination situations. The federal government administers the fund through mandatory deposits in accounts opened by the employer for the employee’s benefit with the Caixa Econà ´mica Federal (one of the largest government-owned banks).

Foreign and Local literature Essay

Investigations in any area spring from previous knowledge. No matter how minimal or extensive they are, they serve in part as baseline data. This Chapter presents the literature/references gathered by the researcher. These studies included foreign and local studies/literature having direct or indirect bearing on the present study. Frank Pogue (2000) did a research project to determine why students fail. What he founds to be true in that study habits survey was that more than 30 years ago still rings true today-students fail because they do not know how to study. The best advice he can give is to develop sound study skills. He said that a student should make sure that he/she has a good study environment, a good desk, a sturdy chair, good light, comfortable room temperature and a quiet atmosphere. That means he/she should eliminate all external and internal distractions. Second, get a good overview of the assignment before starting the work. Know what skills, facts and ideas that are expected to master and the ground that are expected to cover. Start with most difficult subjects first, while the mind is freshest and most receptive. In his experimental study on the effect of learning, Winter stated that the first and probably the most important thing needed was to acquire the habits of studying effectively. Effective methods of study consisted basically of those fundamental principles which underlaid efficiency. Doing one’s work regularly, staying at it until it was done and not getting behind in it should be the general guides for successful study as well as in any field of endeavor. It was assumed that the pupils had ability enough to cope successfully with the academic tasks. The success of the responses to the task depended in great measure to their efforts. Reading is an attempt to absorb the thought of the author and know what the author is conveying (Leedy 1956). Study habits have been defined as the attitude of one person towards their academic year in life. It has been also studied by many researchers. In fact, according to psychologist John M. Grohol, the study habit of students is affected by its environment. Due to that, he suggests that student should study in smarter way. And so he gives ten effective study habits to assist the students with their schoolwork. These ten effective study habits are the following: 1. Improve your study mindset by thinking positively towards study, avoiding catastrophic and absolute thinking such as self-pitying, and lastly, avoid comparing yourself with others. 2. Environment matters in studying so it would be better if you find your ideal place that suits your studying approach. 3. Bring everything you need, nothing you don’t. Through this study habit, you will be able to focus more on your schoolwork and you will avoid such destruction. 4. Outline and review your notes. 5. Use memory games or mnemonic devices in memorizing pieces of information regarding your studies. 6. Practice by on your own or with friends since practice makes perfect. It can also assist you to remember your lesson easily. 7. Make a schedule you can stick to and being committed to it hinder you from cramming. 8. Take breaks and rewards. These breaks will facilitate you to do your schoolwork more efficiently and effectively. Meanwhile, the rewards could be use as your motivation in studying. 9. Keep healthy and balance. Though it is difficult to live a balanced life while in school, you must consider that the more balanced you seek out in your life, the easier for you to overcome every components in your life. Being healthy also, gives you more energy to do your tasks. 10. Know what are the expectations are for the class to abet you understand the course requirements and the professor’s expectations.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Day Care Center vs Nanny

There are many parents who are looking for someone who takes care of their children while they are away. Their option will be a day care center or nanny. If you are one of those parents, I want to persuade you not to choose quickly because they are not the same. They provide your child with different environment, you should select after understanding their similarities and differences. The first similarity between a day care center and nanny is that they take care of your child for specific period. Some parents can’t have jobs or study and pursue careers. It is because they have to take most of their time off for taking care of their children and don’t have time to do it. The job of day care provider and nanny is to help those parents by taking care of their children. The second similarity is that a staff in day care center and nanny are trained people. They are educated in early child development or a related field. It means that they can assist your child in developing his academic skills. They can help children with preparation for kindergarten and children who are in school with homework. Also, because they studied early child development or related field, they know children’s emotional needs and how to discipline properly. The third similarity is that they have issues with illness. Day care center can’t let you leave your child with them when he is sick. It is because, in the day care center, children are in close contact with other children ant it will let germs spread easily. On the other hand, it is needless to say, but a nanny can’t take care of your child when she is sick either. The first difference is the number of children they take care of. Day care provider can’t take care of multiple children because there are many children in day care center. It means that they will not give one-on-one attention to your child. However, your child’s being among many children will good to your child. Your child will learn how to socialize because he will interact with other children. On the other hand, nanny is responsible for only your child, so your child will be able to open his heart to her quickly. The second difference is the location where they look after your children. Needless to say, if you choose day care center, your child will be taken care of in the day care center. Your child may feel uncomfortable because he can’t move freely in the day care center like he does in his house. On the other hand, nanny comes to your home to take care of your child. Your child may feel comfortable to be in his house, but he will not be able to make friends like he can in a day care center. The third difference is the cost. You will have to pay for day care center between 62 dollars to 320 dollars a week. On the other hand, the cost of nanny is from 350 dollars to 700 dollars a week. The cost of day care center is much cheaper than the cost of nanny, so to put your child into a day care center will help you a lot with money. However, a nanny does things worth the cost. For example, if your child is allergic to a certain food, she will not cook meal that contains that food if you ask her. This will not be done in day care center. As you know now, a day care center and nanny are similar, but not the same. They provide different environment for your child and affect you differently. Because of it, you have to consider carefully with whom you should leave your child while you are away.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Comparison of Martin Luther King Jr and Malcom X Essay

They were black men who had a dream, but never lived to see it fulfilled. One was a man who spoke out to all humanity, but the world was not yet ready for his peaceful words. â€Å"I have a dream, a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed†¦ that all men are created equal. † (Martin Luther King) The other, a man who spoke of a violent revolution, which would bring about radical change for the black race. â€Å"Anything you can think of that you want to change right now, the only way you can do it is with a ballot or a bullet. And if you’re not ready to get involved with either one of those, you are satisfied with the status quo. That means we’ll have to change you. † (Malcom X) While Martin Luther King promoted non-violence, civil rights, and the end to racial segregation, a man of the name of Malcom X dreamed of a separate nation. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the conscience of his generation. A Southerner, a black man, he gazed upon the great wall of segregation and saw that the power of love could bring it down. From the pain and exhaustion of his fight to free all people from the bondage of separation and injustice, he wrung his eloquent statement of what America could be. (Ansboro, pg. 1) An American clergyman and a Nobel Peace Prize winner, he was one of the principle leaders of the American Civil Rights Movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950’s and 1960’s, helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became the symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice. (â€Å"King, Martin Luther, Jr. ,† pg. 1) In 1964, Malcom X founded an organization called â€Å"The Muslim Mosque, Inc. In an interview conducted by A. B. Spellman on March 19, 1964, Malcom speaks of his goals for this organization. â€Å"The Muslim Mosque, Inc. will have as its religious base the religion of Islam, which will be designed to propagate the moral reformations necesary to up the level of the so-called Negro community by eliminating the vices and other evils that destroy the moral fiber of the community. But the political philosophy of the Muslim Mosque will be black nationalism, as well as the social and economic philosophies. We still believe in the Honorable Elijah Muhammand’s solution as complete separation. The 22 million so-called Negroes should be separated completely from America and should be permitted to go back home to our native African homeland. † (Breitmaned, pgs. 5-6) Perhaps the key to these two African-Americans leaders opposing goals lay within their very different pasts. Malcom X was born in Omaha as Malcom Little. Malcom’s faith, a Baptist minister was an outspoken follower of Marcus Garvey, the black nationalist leader of the 1920’s. The family moved to Lansing, Michigan, and when Malcom was six years old, his father was murdered after receiving threats from the Ku Klux Klan. Malcom’s mother suffered a nervous breakdown and her eight children were taken by the welfare department. Malcom was sent first to a foster home and then to a reform school. After 8th grade, Malcom moved to Boston where he worked various jobs and eventually became involved in criminal activity. (Malcom X, pg. 1) In 1946, he was sentenced to prison for burglary. While in prison, Malcom became invested in the teachings of Elijah Muhammed, the leader of the black Muslims also called the Nation of Islam. Malcom spent his time in jail educating himself and learning more about the black Muslims, who advocated racial separation. When Malcom was released in 1952, he joined a black Muslim temple in Detroit and became the most prominent spokesperson for the Nation of Islam by the early 1960’s. It was then that he took the name of Malcom X. (â€Å"Malcom,† pg. 1) Martin Luther King was born in Alanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr. a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelors degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology i n 1955. (â€Å"King, Martin Luther, Jr. ,† pg. 1) Throughout King’s education, he was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. He was married in 1953, and in 1954, he accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church of well-educated congretions that had recently by a minister who had protested against segregation. (â€Å"King, Martin Luther, Jr. ,† pg. 1) Where as King was full of love, peace, respect, and compassion for his fellow white brother, Malcom X was full of hate, anger, and vengeance. He was a dark presence, an angry, cynical, implacable man whose good will or forgiveness or even pity the white race could neither earn nor buy. â€Å"Coffee,† he once remarked in an interview, â€Å"is the only thing I like integrated. † He also pleasantly mentioned that whites were inherently enemies of the Negroes and that integration was impossible without great bloodletting. Nonviolence was as he put it, â€Å"a mealy-mouth, beg-in, wait-in, plead-in kind of action,† and it was only a device for disarming the blacks. He also believed that everything we had heard to the contrary from the Martin Luther Kings and the Roy Wilkinses and the Whiteny Youngs was a deadly dangerous pack of lies. â€Å"That’s etiquette,† he said. â€Å"Etiquette means to blend in with society. They are being polite. The average Negro doesn’t even let another Negro know what he thinks, he’s so mistrusting. I’m black first- my whole objectives are black, my allegiance is black, my whole objectives are black. By me being a Muslim, I’m not interested in American, because America has never been interested in me. † (Goldman, pg. 5) Black blood, claimed Malcom X, is stronger than white. â€Å"A person can have a teaspoon of black in him, and that makes him black. Black can’t come from white, but white can come from black. That means black was first. If black is first, black is supreme and white is dependent on black. † He meant to haunt whites, to play on their fears and quicken their guilt and deflate their dreams that everything was getting better- and he did. â€Å"America’s problem is us. † Malcom X told whites that if they argued that the sins of the past ought not to visited on them, he would reply: â€Å"Your father isn’t here to pay his debts. My father isn’t here to collect, but I’m here to collect, and you’re here to pay. † (Goldman, pgs. 6-9) Martin Luther King is known for his key role as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the oganixation that directed the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. Montgomery’s black community had long standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on the city’s buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of busses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded busses. By the 1950’s, Montgomery’s blacks discussed boycotting the busses in an effort to gain better treatment- but not necessarily to end segregation. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the NAACP, was ordered to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized recently arrived King’s public speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the MIA, the organization that directed the bus boycott.