Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Advanced industrial business management

Globalization is actually the process of economic, technological, political and socio-cultural forces i.e. globalization refers to the adaptation or development of values, knowledge, technology and behavioral norms across different societies and countries around the world.The characteristics of globalization are mostly linked with global networking (i.e. internet, electronic communication or technology and many more) with interflow of information in the economic, social, political and cultural learning areas, interflow between international alliances and competitors, international collaboration and multi-cultural integration and global village and technology.Globalization amplifies the cultural diversity of an organization and the company needs to be aware of the culture diversity within the organization so that they can guide the managers when they take decisions. Managers need to further their contributions to the organization by being informed about cultural differences among the company’s international operations.The company’s role is not to object to or block technology transfers or other innovations to facilitate them. The growing globalization of business also means grater movement of employees among countries. (Edwards, 2006)Global ExpansionCompanies large and small believe in global expansion and the companies find that thinking globally can provide them with a competitive edge over their competitors. International markets provide many opportunities for companies to expand themselves. Large companies are the ones who carry out international business .Companies who are global or in the global or stateless stage of international development transcend any single home country. The companies operate in a global fashion, making sales and acquiring resources in countries where the cost is the minimum and where a lot of business opportunities are there.At this stage, companies have their offices located at different locations around the world wit h total control and ownership. The companies that operation internationally encourages free flow of ideas, products, manufacturing and marketing among countries so that they can achieve great efficiencies. (Daft, 1997)Ways to ExpansionThere are different methods of global expansion for any large company. All companies have a couple of ways in which they can expand their business globally. One if the ways a large company can expand itself it through seeking out cheaper sources for supplies and looking for cheaper suppliers who would supply the company offshore, this process is called the outsourcing method.Another method for a company to expand globally would be by developing markets for the company’s finished products outside the company’s home country, this may include licensing, direct investment or even through exporting etc.This kind of method is called the market entry strategy where the company introduces itself and its products for selling in a foreign market. W hat happens is that the most companies start with exporting and they work up to direct investing in the foreign market. The different ways for a company to expand itself globally are as follows:-OutsourcingOutsourcing here is being referred to as global sourcing or outsourcing, basically means engaging in the international division of labor so that the production of the company’s products can be done in the cheapest sources and supplies available to the company.For example, the company may take away a contract from a domestic supplier because the supplier was providing the company with expensive materials and can replace it with a supplier in Far East because that supplier is providing with the cheapest material for the production of the products. Outsourcing is mostly conducted by the company so that it can increase its profits. (Fullmer, 1983)ExportingWith the help of exporting the company can maintain its production facilities within the home nation and then transfers the product for sale in the foreign market. Exporting basically helps the country to market its product in other countries at modest resource cost and with very minimum risk for the company and the country.There are some large companies that usually do not want to be involved in any kind of investment in the foreign market, therefore for such companies who want to expand globally usually export their product to the foreign markets like Gerber Scientific Inc. (high-tech equipment supplier).LicensingWith the help of licensing a company in one country makes certain sources available to companies in another country. These resources include technology, managerial skills, patents or even trademark rights. Franchising is a form of licensing in which the franchisor provides foreign franchises with a complete package of material and services, which include equipment, products, product ingredients, trade mark and trade name rights, managerial advice and a standardized operating.Some of the best k nown international franchisors are the fast foods chains and coffee shops like Starbucks, Costa Coffee, Burger King, Dunkin’ Donuts, KFC, Pizza Hut or McDonald’s. Licensing and franchising offer a business company relatively an easy access to international markets at low costs, but the limit its participation in and control over the development of those markets. (Fullmer, 1983)Direct InvestmentDirect investment can be described as a higher involvement of the company in an international trade. Direct investment means when the company is involved in managing the productive assets, which distinguishes it from the other entry strategies which stops less management control.Joint venture is a also a part of direct investment which can be defined as a variation of direct investment in which the company would share costs and risks with another firm to build a manufacturing facility, or to develop new products or even to set up a sales and distribution network. (Fullmer, 1983)C onclusionThis paper basically stresses on the growing importance of an international or global perspective of the company that how it can expand itself.Large companies that have been a huge success in their home countries have begun to expand their business overseas and are preparing themselves even now to withstand domestic competition from the foreign markets competitors. Business in the global arena involves risks and difficulties that have to be faced by the company’s management.ReferencesDaft, R.L. (1997) â€Å"Management†. Orlando: The Dryden PressDavid Roman (2008), Going Global, Available from , on 5th December’08Edwards, W. (2006), ‘Why go global? Compelling reasons to expand internationally’, Available from <>, on 5th December’08Fullmer, R.M. (1983) â€Å"The New Management† New York: Macmillan Publishing Company

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Abortion, Parenting, Animal Rights, Capitalism: Notes

Abortion: (See Abortion Murder, The Case Against Abortion in Highlights) Women are blessed with a miraculous reproductive system. They should be encouraged to honor and respect it. It should be used responsibly. We should not encourage women to abuse it because it is their body and thereby their right. Yes, there are circumstances where they have to make very tough decisions and choices because of rape or incest. But instead of encouraging abortion right from the start, they should be counseled on other solutions first and make abortion the very last absolutely tragic answer to their problem.Tell women they have a right to abort, it’s their body, and it’s their choice. No. Many will abuse that right and start using it as a method of birth control. I’d like to think this is not true but many will abuse that right and start using it as a method of birth control. I don’t ever want abortion to become fashionable or just another procedure. It should always be r egarded as the last possible option and only in cases of rape, incest or when the mother’s life is in danger.American Atrocities (Domestic) : Also see International American Atrocities Rockefeller has Coal miners union organizers murdered. The Ludlow Massacre in 1914 by the National Guard. 11 Children, 2 Women. In 1847 Federal troops killed 30 workers, 100 woulded in the battle of the Viaduct in Chicago. In 1894 Federal troops killed 34 Pullman railroad union members. 1897, 19 coal miners killed, 36 wounded in PA. Animal Rights: The Illogic of Animal Rights by J. Neil Schulman The so-called â€Å"animal rights† movement is relying upon a logical fallacy which is based on mutually exclusive premises. Animal rights† premise #1: Human beings are no different from other animals, with no divine or elevated nature which makes us distinct; â€Å"Animal rights† premise #2: Human beings are ethically bound not to use other animals for their own selfish purposes. If human beings are no different from other animals, then like all other animals it is our nature to kill any other animal which serves the purposes of our survival and well-being, for that is the way of all nature.Therefore, aside from economic concerns such as making sure we don't kill so quickly that we destroy a species and deprive our descendants of prey, human animals can kill members of other animal species for their usefulness to us. It is only if we are not just another animal — if our nature is distinctly superior to other animals — that we become subject to ethics at all — and then those ethics must take into account our nature as masters of the lower animals. We may seek a balance of nature; but â€Å"balance† is a concept that only a species as intelligent as humankind could even contemplate.We may choose to temper the purposes to which we put lower animals with empathy and wisdom; but by virtue of our superior nature, we decide †¦ and if those decisions include the consumption of animals for human utilitarian or recreational purposes, then the limits on the uses we put the lower beasts are ones we set according to our individual human consciences. â€Å"Animal rights† do not exist in either case. Even though I personally believe we were created by God, unlike advocates of the Judeo-Christian tradition I do not rely upon the question of whether humans have a â€Å"soul† to distinguish humans from animals.Like secular rationalists, I'm content to resolve the issue of the nature of human beings, and the nature of animals, by scientific means — observation, experiment, and the debate of paradigms. Each of these criteria is simply a proof of intelligence and self-consciousness: 1) Being observed as producing or having produced technological artifacts unique to that species; 2) Being observed as able to communicate from one generation to the next by a recorded language unique to that species; 3) Being observed as basing action on abstract reasoning; ) Being observed as engaging in inductive and deductive reasoning processes; 5) Being observed as engaging in non-utilitarian artistic activity unique to that species. I'm sure there are other criteria we could use, but these are obvious ones that come to mind immediately. None of them speculates about the unobservable functioning of a neural network; all of them are based on observable effects of intelligence and self-consciousness. Conclusively, we are of a different nature than other animals we know. Neither cetaceans nor other higher mammals, including the higher apes, qualify as â€Å"human† under these criteria.We do not observe these significations of intelligence and self-consciousness in any other species we know, such criteria being neither necessarily anthropocentric nor even terracentric. By the â€Å"survival of the fittest† which is the law of raw nature, no animal has rights: only the tools to survive as best it can. The chicken has no right not to be eaten by the fox. The wildebeest has no ethical recourse against the lion. If we are merely animals, no other animal has any ethical standing to complain against the human animal for eating them or wearing their skins.But, if we are superior to other animals — if our nature is of a different kind than other animals — then why should we grant rights to species who can not talk, or compose symphonies, or induce mathematical equations, or build satellites which send back television pictures of other planets? Why shouldn't we humans simply regard lower animals as things which may become our property? We may be kind to animals if it is pleasing to us to do so, but we should not grant animals an equal stature that nature has not given them. Respect for nature requires a respect for the nature of what things are †¦ nd we are better, stronger, smarter, than the animals we hunt, ranch, farm, fish, trap, butcher, skin, bone, a nd eat. They certainly have no ethics about us, for they are just animals. Nor are any â€Å"animal rights† activists themselves merely animals. There is no organization called Porpoises for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It is People who make those demands of other People. Those who argue for animal rights argue that since animals are living and feel pain, that therefore nature gives them a right not to be treated cruelly.This is an argument that could only work on a being capable of empathy — and that requires an elevated consciousness. It is true that animals can feel pain, and that esthetically requires that we not be cruel in our treatment of them. But what is cruelty? Beating a horse that won't pull a wagon? Making animals fight each other for sport? That's no longer the issue, is it? The issue is ranching minks to skin them for fur; castrating and slaughtering steers to eat them; hunting and shooting deer, ducks, and elks; testing cosmetics on animals; doing medical experiments on animals to advance medical knowledge.Do we have a moral obligation not to use animals for human utilitarian purposes, which is another way of asking whether animals have the right not to be treated as objects to be exploited for their usefulness? The idea of a right means that which has rights may not be treated as a utilitarian object for the fulfillment of the purposes of others. Animal rights would mean animals would be immune from being used to fulfill any human purpose. PETA has it exactly correct. If animals have rights, then we may not ethically use them for our own selfish purposes, no matter how necessary we think that use or how humanely we assert we do it to them.This is, in fact, the logical conclusion of â€Å"animal rights. † If animals have rights then we need not make any distinction between an unnecessarily cruel use of animals (pick one: cock- fighting, animal testing for beauty products) or eating animals, because if animals have righ ts then we are not morally entitled to put them to utilitarian use, period. Let me make it clear: I am not questioning the humaneness or cruelty of any particular practice. My point is that the interests of those who assert that the lower animals have rights is not to protect animals against cruel treatment.That can be done merely by an appeal to our consciences. Those who assert that animals or even â€Å"habitats† have rights do so to destroy individual human rights to control what I term the anthroposphere: the human habitat. It is the individual human right to control our private spheres of action — our individual habitats — which they oppose. Some â€Å"animal rights† activists, basing their thinking on pantheism, equate humans with the rest of nature by saying that we are all share a divine consciousness.But equating humankind as no more divine than inanimate objects or other animals isn't raising nature but lowering humankind. Pantheists believe th at everything is sacred, including the inanimate. Yet, I don't notice them picketing Mount St. Helen's volcano for spewing its lava, burning trees and killing wildlife. It's only human action to which animal rights activists object. So where do we find ethics here? If we look to nature, we see only that the strong use the weak for their own purposes — and we are obviously the master of all other animals by that standard.If we look to the center of all human ethics, the Golden Rule, we are told to treat others as we would wish to be treated. But what others? Animals can't treat us as we wish to be treated because they don't have the wit to entertain ethics at all. Which leaves us esthetics, which exists only in individual humans. Since lower animals don't have rights, we humans need to make judgments on humane versus cruel treatment of lower animals not by treating animals as if they have rights but instead must rely on our esthetic values — our consciences.But, after s eeing tree-spikers, people throwing paint on fur coats, and Kentucky Fried Chicken being equated with Auschwitz, it's now apparent that the effect of trying to give animals the same ethical immunities as humans is that all esthetic distinction between cock-fighting and eating meat is lost. The effect of â€Å"all or nothing† in our uses of animals is to blunt our consciences, which makes us crueler to animals, not less cruel. Those people among us who would give lower animals human rights do not do it because they love other animals. They do it because they hate humankind.They hate the fact that their own superior nature as intellectual beings gives them superior challenges which they shrink from by attempting to deny the superiority of their human nature. â€Å"Animal rights† is just one more diabolic scheme for promoting government control over human lives by destroying our right to private property. It is the logical tactic of those who hate the individual creative ability and wish it replaced by the anti-human jackboots of collectivism. â€Å"Animal rights† activists use the tools of rationality which are uniquely available to the human species in order to deny the distinct nature of their own rational faculties.They raise up animals in an attempt to lower humankind. They may speak for themselves only, not for me. I know what I am. I know what animals are. And I will name what â€Å"animal rights† activists truly are: the Human Defamation League. And making us as oblivious to cruelty as are all other animals, if not the actual agenda of the Human Defamation League, is nonetheless the unintended consequence of their campaign. 7 Things You Didn't Know About PETA 1) According to government documents, PETA employees have killed more than 19,200 dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens since 1998.This behavior continues despite PETA’s moralizing about the â€Å"unethical† treatment of animals by farmers, scientists, restaurant owners, circuses, hunters, fishermen, zookeepers, and countless other Americans. PETA puts to death over 90 percent of the animals it accepts from members of the public who expect the group to make a reasonable attempt to find them adoptive homes. PETA holds absolutely no open-adoption shelter hours at its Norfolk, VA headquarters, choosing instead to spend part of its $32 million nnual income on a contract with a crematory service to periodically empty hundreds of animal bodies from its large walk-in freezer. 2) PETA president and co-founder Ingrid Newkirk has described her group’s overall goal as â€Å"total animal liberation. † This means the complete abolition of meat, milk, cheese, eggs, honey, zoos, aquariums, circuses, wool, leather, fur, silk, hunting, fishing, and pet ownership. In a 2003 profile of Newkirk in The New Yorker, author Michael Specter wrote that Newkirk has had at least one seeing-eye dog taken away from its blind owner.PETA is also against all m edical research that requires the use of animals, including research aimed at curing AIDS and cancer. 3) PETA has given tens of thousands of dollars to convicted arsonists and other violent criminals. This includes a 2001 donation of $1,500 to the North American Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an FBI-certified â€Å"domestic terrorist† group responsible for dozens of firebombs and death threats. During the 1990s, PETA paid $70,200 to Rodney Coronado, an Animal Liberation Front (ALF) serial arsonist convicted of burning down a Michigan State University research laboratory.In his sentencing memorandum, a federal prosecutor implicated PETA president Ingrid Newkirk in that crime. PETA vegetarian campaign coordinator Bruce Friedrich has also told an animal rights convention that â€Å"blowing stuff up and smashing windows† is â€Å"a great way to bring about animal liberation,† adding, â€Å"Hallelujah to the people who are willing to do it. † 4) PETA activists regularly target children as young as six years old with anti-meat and anti-milk propaganda, even waiting outside their schools to intercept them without notifying their parents.One piece of kid-targeted PETA literature tells small children: â€Å"Your Mommy Kills Animals! † PETA brags that its messages reach over 1. 2 million minor children, including 30,000 kids between the ages of 6 and 12, all contacted by e-mail without parental supervision. One PETA vice president told the Fox News Channel’s audience: â€Å"Our campaigns are always geared towards children, and they always will be. † 5) PETA’s president has said that â€Å"even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we would be against it. And PETA has repeatedly attacked research foundations like the March of Dimes, the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and the American Cancer Society, solely because they support animal-based research aimed at curing life-threatening diseases and birth defects. A nd PETA helped to start and manage a quasi-medical front group, the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, to attack medical research head-on. 6) PETA has compared Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust to farm animals and Jesus Christ to pigs. PETA’s religious campaigns include a website that claims—despite ample evidence to the contrary—that Jesus Christ was a vegetarian.PETA holds protests at houses of worship, even suing one church that tried to protect its members from Sunday-morning harassment. Its billboards taunt Christians with the message that hogs â€Å"died for their sins. † PETA insists, contrary to centuries of rabbinical teaching, that the Jewish ritual of kosher slaughter shouldn’t be allowed. And its infamous â€Å"Holocaust on Your Plate† campaign crassly compared the Jewish victims of Nazi genocide to farm animals. 7) PETA frequently looks the other way when its celebrity spokespersons don’t practice what it preaches.As gossip bloggers and Hollywood journalists have noted, Pamela Anderson’s Dodge Viper (auctioned to benefit PETA) had a â€Å"luxurious leather interior†; Jenna Jameson was photographed fishing, slurping oysters, and wearing a leather jacket just weeks after launching an anti-leather campaign for PETA; Morrissey got an official â€Å"okay† from PETA after eating at a steakhouse; Dita von Teese has written about her love of furs and foie gras; Steve-O built a career out of abusing small animals on film; the officially â€Å"anti-fur† Eva Mendes often wears fur anyway; and Charlize Theron’s celebrated October 2007 Vogue cover shoot featured several suede garments. In 2008, â€Å"Baby Phat† designer Kimora Lee Simmons became a PETA spokesmodel despite working with fur and leather, after making a $20,000 donation to the animal rights group. It’s always been hard for me to understand why relatively intelligent people hold meaningless discussions based on the writings of a primitive and superstitious desert culture and believe it all to be true because their parents told them so.Talking snake, sun and stars created after the earth, the sun placed in the sky after fruit trees already here, woman created after man, man swallowed by a fish, regurgitated and lives to talk about it, no rainbows till after Noah’s flood, all the world’s creatures on one big boat, sticks turned into serpents, woman turned to pillar of salt, little children killed on God’s orders because they had the wrong parents. Religion is merely a combination of beliefs and cult practices used throughout history as a form of oppression by the ruling class. Religion is the exploitation of human ignorance and credulity. It would literally take a â€Å"genius† not to see that. Bible, The: The Big Bang? : Life on earth could never exist were it not for a series of very fortunate â€Å"coincidences† such as: location, orbit, tilt, rotational speed and unusually large moon. Also a magnetic field and atmosphere that shields the planet. Not to mention cycles that, replenish and cleanse the air and water. Is it blind chance or intelligent design?Location: Ideal perfect location in the galaxy, too close to center would allow dangerous and lethal radiation, too far from center would prohibit the needed concentrations of chemical elements needed to support life. Accident? Orbit: About 93 million miles from the sun, is just about the perfect zone that is habitable because life neither freezes nor fries. Earth’s path is circular, keeping it the same distance from the sun year-round. Happenstance? Extraordinary Large Moon: The moon’s diameter is a little over a quarter of the earth’s diameter, unusually large compared to all the other moons. It causes ocean tides that play a vital role in earth’s ecology. It contributes to the earth’s perfect spin axis, which w ithout, the earth would wobble out of control. Blind chance?Perfect Tilt and Spin: Earth’s tilt of about 23. 4 degrees causes the annual cycle of seasons, moderates temperatures and allows for a wide range of climate zones. The length of day and night, a result of the earth’s spin, maintains a habitable temperature for life. If the speed of rotation were slower, days would be longer and the â€Å"sunny side† would bake while the other side would freeze. If the speed were faster, days would be shorter; earth’s rapid spin would cause relentless gale-force winds and other disastrous effects. Coincidence? Protective Shields: Earth seems to fly through a shooting gallery of lethal radiation and meteoroids with relative impunity.Our powerful magnetic field stretches far into space, which protects us from the solar winds, flares, and explosions, which blast billions of tons of matter into space. Our blanket of gases (stratosphere) keeps us breathing, by absorbin g 99 percent of incoming UV radiation through our ozone layer protecting all life on the earth. Amazingly this amount of atmospheric ozone gases is not fixed, it changes in intensity as the UV radiation rises. And yet it lets in the heat and light so essential to life. Dumb luck? Natural Cycles of Water and Air: Fresh water is recycled and redistributed around the planet in three stages: evaporation, condensation and precipitation. An amazing process called photosynthesis creates life-giving oxygen.Plants take in our exhausted carbon dioxide, energize it with sunlight and produce carbohydrates and oxygen. We complete the cycle when we breathe. All this production of vegetation and breathable air happens cleanly, efficiently and quietly. The same holds with organic matter, or the nitrogen cycle. 78 percent of our atmosphere is nitrogen, lightning converts nitrogen into compounds, which are absorbed by plants. Animals eat those plants, when plants and animals die, the nitrogen compoun ds are broken down by bacteria and their decay releases nitrogen back into the soil and atmosphere, completing the cycle. Perfect recycling, or just a matter of random incidences?The greatest accomplishment of the 20th Century is the discovery of human ignorance. We can no longer make up stories to explain the world. We no longer accept the Church providing both the questions and the answers. All theories and solutions must be confirmed and reconfirmed through experiment. 4. Capitalism: The economic system based on the fiction of the productivity of capital, justifiable once, is henceforth illegitimate. Its inefficacy and malfeasance have been exposed; it is the cause of all existing misery, the present mainstay of that old fiction of representative government which is the last form of tyranny among men. Proudhon, Interest and Principal -1849The capitalist system flourishes through the use of economic disparity, social inadequacies, manipulative financial practices, planned obsolesc ence, discriminative procedures, and predatory exploitation of the 99%. Our banknotes are forgeries. We live in a counterfeit economy. The dollar will soon become useless and we are all living on borrowed time. The corporately funded politicians who by controlling the press, the schools, and the churches, impose capitalism upon the masses under the attractive guise of loyal patriotism. How Capitalism Works by Bruce Morgan Under capitalism, only money has value. Other items have value only to the extent they can be converted to money or can generate money.This includes things such as labor, commodities and property. What cannot be converted to money has no value and is often eliminated. This can include people. Profits are more valuable than the ecosystem or worker safety. The purpose of capitalism is to move as much money to the top 0. 1% of society, from those who are not (and will never be) at or near the top. Wealthy individuals, with few exceptions, do not come by their fortune by their own productive labor. Instead, they appropriate as much as possible from other people's productive labor. Capitalists themselves believe that they are entitled to this wealth; even if they did little to earn it.Illegality for the elites is inconsequential. Even if something is technically illegal, if it is not prosecuted it becomes de facto legal. Governments work either for their people or for the rich, they cannot work for both. In virtually all Western societies, the ultra rich (individuals and corporations) have captured their governments, to a greater or lesser degree. For the U. S. federal government, this capture is virtually complete. Once the privileged class has control of the government, they can have whatever laws passed that they want, including those that make their crimes retroactively legal. There, in 241 words is the essence of capitalism as actually practiced.Once these points are understood, the machinations behind current events in the areas of economics , politics and foreign affairs become evident. This article was deliberately presented in black and white. Those who want gray can get it from the lame stream media. â€Å"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson. † –Franklin D Roosevelt Money is a drug if the right dosage can be found, creating just enough, not too much — it's like magic. As long as people keep buying things they don't need. As long as those in the business don't hoard too much.As long as the real resources don't dry up, the illusion of prosperity can be maintained with more and more IOUs. Like all stimulants, money steals from tomorrow. The quest for fame and fortune, when will it end? This tyranny of early rising and retiring late. Riding on mules they long for noble steeds. Already prime ministers, they seek to be kings. For food and raiment, they suffer stress and strain. Never fearful of Yama’s call to reckoning. Searching for wealth and power to give to grandsons. No one is willing ever to turn back. (The Journey to the West) 1582 5. Children, Parenting: It couldn't have been because half our children are being raised in broken homes.It couldn't have been because our children get to spend an average of 30 seconds in meaningful conversation with their parents each day. After all, we give our children quality time. It couldn't have been because we treat our children as pets and our pets as children. It couldn't have been because we place our children in day care centers where they learn their socialization skills among their peers under the law of the jungle while employees who have no vested interest in the children look on and make sure that no blood is spilled. It couldn't have been because we allow our children to watch, on the average, seven hours of television a day filled with the glorification of sex and violence that isn't fit for adu lt consumption.It couldn't have been because we allow our children to enter into virtual worlds in which, to win the game, one must kill as many opponents as possible in the most sadistic way possible. It couldn't have been because we have sterilized and contracepted our families down to sizes so small that the children we do have are so spoiled with material things that they come to equate the receiving of the material with love. It couldn't have been because our children, who historically have been seen as a blessing from God, are now being viewed as either a mistake created when contraception fails or inconveniences that parents try to raise in their spare time. It couldn't have been because we give two-year prison sentences to teenagers who kill their newborns.It couldn't have been because our school systems teach the children that they are nothing but glorified apes who have evolved out of some primordial soup of mud by teaching evolution as fact and by handing out condoms as i f they were candy. It couldn't have been because we teach our children that there are no laws of morality that transcend us, that everything is relative and that actions don't have consequences. What the heck, the president gets away with it. Colonization: Also See Third World Nations European explorers were responsible for the extermination of 70 million souls in the New World between the years 1533-1588. They were murdered for their women, gold, silver, natural resources and land. Million natives were murdered within 3 years according to Leah Trabich. Within 15 years, the Arawak tribe of 250,000 was completely wiped out. The population of the United States prior to European contact was greater than 12 million. Four centuries later, the count was reduced by 95% to 237 thousand. From 1494 to 1508, over three million people had perished from war, slavery, and the mines. These atrocities are seen throughout Africa, New Zealand, New Guinea, East Timor Cultures Right and Wrong Beauty is in the MIND of the beholder. Some may look upon murder as senseless vicious evil; others may see it as necessary. You may look at grass and see green; someone else will see blue.What may be music to your ears may very well be appalling noise to others. Inuits may be very comfortable in zero degree weather while you are freezing. Vice, virtue, sounds, colors, taste, beauty, heat, cold are not qualities in objects but perceptions in the mind. –Hume. Some cultures kill the weak and elderly to insure the longevity of the village. It’s a matter of survival. Amazonian women are not only happy but also proud to share themselves among the entire village, for they realize this creates life and perpetuates their species and yet would kill their third child to save the rest of their family from marauding slave traders. What brings joy to some may bring sorrow and woe to others.Hawaii’s ruling family not only accepted royal incest but also encouraged it as an exclusive roy al privilege. Sibling or parent child incest was common in our 50th state before they were â€Å"annexed† to the US. Different societies and cultures have different systems of laws. The rules of one’s own society are not sacrosanct and cannot be used to judge, condemn or decide others’ moral standards. Fixed ideas and values should be eliminated; primitive, civilized, child, adult, perverted and normal are all shattered and put on a sliding scale when addressing other cultures and societies. When there are so many differences in the moral codes of different societies, how can we regard our own, or any other, as the normal or standard way of thinking?Depletion of Natural Resources: (See Problematic World Economy) Everyone is concerned about Oil but water is the real problem. Oil can be replace but there’s no substitute for fresh water. We are running out of clean water. Nations fighting over natural resources. Ever expanding and sophistication of technolog y. Increased poverty caused by huge migration from rural areas to large cities throughout the world. Traditional lifestyle of farming and ranching has vanished and more people are dependent on government support. Feeding the growing population on the planet has become a huge problem for governments. Medical technology has increased life expectancy allows people to live longer than ever before.Greed and corruption among the world’s nations is becoming more and more the norm. Fewer people control the economic wealth and military might than ever before since earth’s creation.. We’re all on borrowed time. Evolution and Discrimination (Racism): Charles Darwin’s book’s full title is On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. As much as many seek to disavow, generally speaking, man is NOT a gentle creature that just wants to be loved and will, at most, defend himself when attacke d. Man has an instinctual, powerful measure of aggression and his neighbor is for him someone on whom he is tempted to satisfy his aggressiveness.He will exploit the capacity to have someone work without pay, use sexually without consent, cause others pain, torture or death. It seems that mankind abandons their bad habits only when catastrophe is close at hand. The intellect alone is not enough. Men must be shaken, almost shattered before changing. – Sigmund Freud Family: I’ve received a cease and desist order prohibiting me from discussing: sexual preferences, politics, religion, abortion, nuclear power, peak oil, climate change, the environment, food shortages, economic instability, international terrorism and the military industrial complex. Failure to comply will immediately result in the termination of all intimate marital favors and services.We’ve known each other since childhood. Our souls are mingled and connected in so universal a blending that they era se the seam that joins us together. She alone has the privilege of my true portrait and understands me for who I think I am. If I were to lose her, I would merely drag wearily on. Famine, Food and Population Control: Wild, man-made viruses released and vaccines created for profit and population control by the military, medical, petrol-chemical pharmaceutical cartel. Life is tough and for many it is short, brutal, filled with want and pain. It seems that the well being of some, is sustained on the troubles and elimination of others.Last year, 17. 2 million households in the United States were food insecure, the highest level on record, as the Great Recession continued to wreak havoc on families across the country. Of those 17. 2 million households, 3. 9 million included children. On Thanksgiving Day, here’s a look at hunger in America, as millions of Americans struggle to get enough to eat in the wake of the economic crisis: Memo to Bill, Oprah, Brad and Angelina: Not enough p oor and hungry people in the US? You don’t have to go to Haiti and Africa to feed and shelter the poor. They’re right here in Florida, Texas, California, Illinois, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Georgia.Why don’t you start giving back to the country where you made your millions? Or are you all full of shit? Collectively, among every human, the cancer upon our Earth is the domination of our false-ego and our divorce from nature. Collectively, among every human, vanity leads to segregation and competition. Competition leads to fear and greed. Greed leads to deceit and immorality. And immorality is the breeding ground for illness, waging war on our Earth. Every act of hatred and destructiveness in our world begins with self-hate, and self-destructiveness. And that all begins with a breakdown on communication. Just remember that the false-ego has only one desire – to become greater and more powerful than the true self.

Characters Representing Major Ideas and Themes

A Raisin In the Sun by Lorraine Handovers, the Younger family Is faced with many big issues and themes that affect African Americans in the 1 ass's. These overlying themes appear in the form of individuals In the play, even for those characters that play only minor roles. George Morison, Wily Harris, and Mr.. Liners each represent different obstacles that the Youngster's must overcome in order to follow their dreams and trust what is in their hearts.This is Handlebars way of telling her readers to not be afraid to follow their dreams, even If there are obstacles In your path, because If they don't then they will be worse off than ever before. George Morison is the living example of assimilation culture and it's destructive tendencies toward your native culture and heritage. He dresses like whites, acts like whites, and puts more value on money than on thoughts and culture. Beneath witnesses this transformation occurring in her brother, and it angers her.She feels pressured by society to assimilate. George has merged with the American White Majority Ideals and has no difficulty in doing so, which deeply rubles Beneath, who believes that if you lose your heritage, you in turn lose yourself. George gets incredibly aggravated whenever Beneath mentions how she feels on the topic of Assimilation, and finally George can't listen any longer to her and snaps, â€Å"Let's face it, baby, your heritage is nothing but a bunch of raggedy- eased spirituals and some grass huts! (Handovers, 81) Beneath is trying to find herself by rediscovering her culture, while George Is separating himself from his as much as possible. This huge difference between the two Is the mall reason behind Beneath slice of him and love of Sagas, who fully embraces his culture. He helps her overcome modern society's expectations and dance to her own drumbeat, therefore giving her a way to find herself. The pressure to assimilate into society and become â€Å"acceptable† to others is shown in Be neath, but has already won over George.Even though Wily Harris never even steps onto the stage, his dark presence hangs over the family, as he took the $6,500 that was left of Big Walter's money. He did the taking, and left the Younger â€Å"token†, representing people who exploit others who are desperate and helpless. Wily and others like him take advantage of people like the Younger who have no experience or way of getting help if they fall into a bad situation, but will trust someone to help them out because they are desperate enough to try to achieve their dreams anyway. In stealing the money, Wily Harris destroys Walter's last hope for a good future.Walter explains after he hears the bad news of the stolen money how he thinks the world works and what he has concluded from the experience: â€Å"Life is just like it is. Who gets and who don't get†¦ Mama, you know it's all divided up†¦ Between the takers and the â€Å"token†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Mom of us always getting token†¦. I'll say one thing for old Wily Harris. He's taught me something. He's taught me to keep my eye on what counts in this world. Yeah- Thanks, Wily! † (Handovers, 141) By this point, Walter has realized that his dream Is not going to happen, and Wily has left him devastated.But amidst all these distraught what really counts, not money, not social status, but love, his family, his wife, and his son. The kind of love that made big Walter work to death for his family. This realization pulls him together, and finally becomes a man and gives Mama and Ruth their dream of owning a house. It seems that people like Wily Harris gravitate to people in poor circumstances with big dreams and little experience. Walter overcomes this disastrous event, but the memory that he could have done better in business and made something of himself will probably haunt him forever.Mr.. Liners is Just one man, but he represents thousands of people, the white majority, and their intense prejud ice against blacks and other minorities. Prejudice and racism was still everywhere in the sass's, even though slavery was gone. The views that people like Mr.. Liners harbor are keeping the Younger and other minority groups oppressed and unable to rise up to their full potential. Liners expresses his frustration with the Younger after Walter refuses his offer for the first time, â€Å"What do you are going to gain by moving into a neighborhood where you Just aren't wanted†¦ People can get awful worked up when they feel that their whole way of life and everything they've ever worked for is threatened. â€Å"(Handovers, 199) Liners says the one thing that the white majority has been thinking. He tells the Younger very simply that they are not wanted. This kind of hostility has nothing to do with any f these peoples personalities, Jobs, or morals, it is solely because they are not white and therefore are deemed not good enough to be with whites.The family overcomes this prejudic e by asking Mr.. Liners back. Walter tells him that they will move into the house, and they will be good neighbors, therefore giving the Whites the first punch if they want to take it, as he will do nothing to them, because he states that the family has a right to live there Just as much as anyone else. Prejudice affected the Younger through the voice of one man, but through the minds of many. But they anally overcome their fear of it and move into the house at Closure Park.Throughout this play, Handovers is constantly using symbolism, and not only does she do it through objects, but through people as well. She shows us how all of these complicated issues are gathered together in one tiny apartment and how this can destroy dreams Just by stepping into the room that is the sass's. By using characters like George, Wily, and Mr.. Liners, we get a real sense of what people are willing to do to achieve their goals, be accepted, and keep things how they have always been. The Younger overc ome each of these with their love and their dreams.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Information Systems - Hard Rock Cafe Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Information Systems - Hard Rock Cafe - Case Study Example One known way of turning off customers lacks goods that they need every time they pass by your business. Hard Rock’s inventory relied on restaurant managers who had no one telling them when there was a shortage of something. The network connecting the cafà ©s was a mess itself. Ward describes the network as â€Å"hackerware†. Hard Rock’s financial system was never updated frequently. For this reason maybe, sometime back, a sack containing $100,000 went missing and sat in the New York City Hard Rock Cafà © for five days without being noticed by anyone. While the employees did not notice the sack, the corporate itself did not know such an amount of money was missing. The Ward’s group chose the Radius inventory management system as it was built on the Micro Strategy platform. The system was a product of Transatlantic Software and stores all the POS customer data, for instance, merchandise sales, customer demographic and the preference data that is now captured on the web. Since the sale of merchandise accounts for hundreds of millions of dollars every financial year, the restaurant needed to install a chain-wide merchandise system, which would help them avoid such embarrassments like the opening of Cleveland Hard Rock in summer that had no T-shirts for some weeks. Initially, Hard Rock had three sets of books that kept track of the revenues. The immense problem was that the totals were three very different numbers. In the late 1998, Hard Rock’s financial system required copies of statement in Lotus Notes, 2 members of staff to reproduce the numbers in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and key the numbers into a Lawson Software financial module. The CRM is essential in the operations of Hard Rock as it strengthens the relationship between the customer and the restaurant building an online community. This online community is crucial for a business

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Pictogram Is Worth a Thousand Translations Essay

A Pictogram Is Worth a Thousand Translations - Essay Example ticular personalities concerned are implementing ways to make fingerprinting, among other equally not-so-harmless requirements, a more pleasant and comfortable experience for people who are not very familiar with it. For example, pictures and symbols have replaced textual instructions in posters and signages found throughout international airports. In addition, such activities are also being standardized by the agencies concerned so that international travelers will go through the same procedure in every country. As somebody who frequents airports, it is certainly daunting on my part to have to go through certain â€Å"security measures† before granted passage. These requirements, especially if existing only in selected airports, makes me feel more uncomfortable rather than more secure. Add to this the fact that some security personnel do not even take the time to explain the necessity of the procedures being done. It may also be embarrassing to have to perform a particular security check and end up doing it correctly because no clear instructions were provided in the first place. With that, I think the efforts to make international airports more culturally sensitive are commendable. The use of symbols and pictures as part of the instructions is definitely a welcome change because these symbols are more universally understood than, say, the English language. It should also be noted that such a move be done not only in international airports but also in other places with a high traffic of international personalities such as supermarkets, parks, and schools. The move to make prints adhere to a uniform standard that is the same on a global scale is another pleasant piece of news. One should realize the fact that threats to one’s security no longer just come from one’s immediate community but from an international scale as well. With the standardization of fingerprinting, coordination among different countries will be much easier to accomplish. Overall, the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1

International Marketing - Essay Example This essay stresses that along with these strategies, the report also presents a comprehensive description of the human resource strategies along with the suggested mode of entry for the brand. Various macro-environmental and micro-environmental factors have also been addressed in this report, which were identified as relevant to the proposed international marketing plan. Concerning the challenges likely to be witnessed when implementing this plan along with the opportunities and the benefits to be obtained, it can be affirmed that high growth prospects persists within the Indian consumer technology industry owing to the flexible Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policies and lesser competition. Furthermore, the analyses presented through this report also reveal that an increasing consumer demand is also identifiable within the Indian market which further strengthens the marketing proposal. This paper makes a conclusion that with reference to the above discussion, it can be apparently observed that the proposed marketing plan can be effective subjected to certain aspects. The most crucial aspect which needs to be taken into concern when applying the proposed marketing plan is the uncertainty witnessed currently in the technology consumer market in India as well as that in the global industrial context. In this regard, it becomes quite vital for the company to make continuous evaluation and projection of its operations as well as strategic implications in order to ensure long-run profitability and sustainability in the targeted market.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Strategic and Financial Decision-making Assignment 2 - 2010 Coursework

Strategic and Financial Decision-making Assignment 2 - 2010 - Coursework Example The ‘beta’ is the most important statistics tool to measure the volatility and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a popular model to calculate the return on stock. In this report the beta values of two companies will be calculated using the share prices of the last 24 months. These two companies are British American Tobacco (BATS) and the Petrofac (PFC.L) and both of them are listed in the London Stock Exchange (LSE). British American Tobacco is one of the leading tobacco companies in UK. British American Tobacco produces cigarettes under different brands and has different price range. â€Å"Petrofac is an international provider of facilities solutions to the oil & gas production and processing industries† (Petrofac, 2010). The beta values of both the companies will be calculated using different methodologies that include covariance of the stock return with market returns and the variance of the market returns and the linear regression analysis. For calculating the betas, the monthly stock prices of both the companies were obtained and for market return the index FTSE 100 has been used. All these are the secondary source of data obtained through online sources. The historical stock prices of the both the companies are obtained through ‘Yahoo Finance’ and the historical data of FTSE 100 is also taken from the same online source (Yahoo Finance. 2010). The calculated beta values have been compared with the beta values from the published source. The published source for betas has been taken from the online source, MSN-Money (MSN-Money, U.K. 2010.). The published betas of British American Tobacco and Petrofac are 0.47 and 1.06 respectively. The two methodologies for beta calculation have been used. The first methodology will use the covariance of stock return with market return and the variance of the market return. The following model explains the beta (ÃŽ ²) under the same method. The calculation has

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Art history term Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Art history term - Assignment Example 56). it is an ancient Roman statue in Rome Italy. It is made of bronze and is 4.24m tall. It shows many similarities t the standing statues of Augustus. The original one is n display in the Capitoline Museums (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 56). they were initially described by a German archeologist. They were delineated from the excavation of wall paintings at Pompeii. The pictures also tell about the prosperity of the area. The principal purpose of the frescoes was to minimize the claustrophobic interiors of Roman rooms (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 56). it has a halo around the head of Emperor Justinian. He stands in the middle. Empress Theodora is depicted as the goddess. The mosaic with her shows figures moving from left to right of the church (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 72). the symbolism declares the promised salvation of man in the next world. The four lunettes from across. The picture shows that Jonah was cast from a ship. He then went into a belly of a whale (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 72). it is the site of 6th and early 7th centuries. One of them contained an undistributed ship burial. It sheds light on a period of English history. The has been crucial to understanding the Anglo-Saxon kingdom (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 72). it contained many grave goods and two female human skeletons. The interment of the ship into its burial mound dates from 834 AD. The parts of the ship date from around 800. The ship seems to be older (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 72). the most visible symbol was the palace itself. The palace chapel was placed in a central octagon. The Statute was intended to be set up with a fountain in front of the chapel. At the time, it was called the Renovation (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 72). There was the inclusion of traditional symbols. The symbols are the Eagle of John, the Lion of Mark, and

Data Collection Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Data Collection - Research Paper Example ChoicePoint’s functions are essential not only for government organizations but also for private consumers. The data collected and provided by ChoicePoint facilitates the fluent running of different organizations in following ways; easy and quick access to personal information benefits both the parties involved in a venture. In addition to that provision of jobs becomes more accurate when different organizations have appropriate data with them. The data provided by ChoicePoint allows the credit card and insurance companies to avoid thefts and frauds and to decrease the cost. This data is also beneficent for security and law agencies because through ChoicePoint they can have an access to the data which they cannot access by themselves due to legal restrictions. The major disadvantage of this data aggregation is identity theft as easy access to personal information enables the hackers to use someone’s identity in criminal actions and as a result the victims of identity theft have to tolerate bitter consequences. In addition to that most of the people think of this data collection as interference in their privacy and thus this act is considered as indecent and unethical. Moreover, there is no proof of the fact that the information provided by ChoicePoint is accurate and sometimes it can be misleading as well. To conclude, there is a very narrow difference between invasions in privacy and the act that is performed to get the information required for the fluent running of different organizations. Personal data collection provides the business with valuable information that plays an important role in acquiring its goals. In today’s era of technology it is essential that one should have complete information about the parties involved in a venture before indulging in it, in order to avoid thefts and frauds. Sometimes, what is considered as an invasion in privacy by certain people is something that is necessary for the fluent

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Perception of mathematics of first year students Literature review

Perception of mathematics of first year students - Literature review Example Most first year students will perceive mathematics as a difficult subject and preserved for the bright and interested students. These negative perceptions make most first year students, in most cases girls approach the subject with a negative attitude, and this undermines their performance. The study of mathematics in schools has not been distinctively defined, and it is not a culture or value free field (Ernest, 2000). This means that mathematics in schools is not viewed as being the same as mathematics in other academic fields or research areas. Appreciating mathematics among first year students is usually expressed in their ability of comprehending the major branches and notions of mathematics. It is also viewed as the ability of students to establish the interconnections or interdependencies that exist in the field. The study of mathematics usually compels its communal applications in the fields of governance, commerce, education along with industry. Traditionally, mathematics wa s viewed as compulsory for all students who had ambitions of venturing into various academic fields (Ernest, 2000). However, this has changed with most students in the modern times not viewing it as vital for every member of their population. This is because of the revolution going on across many academic fields (Ducksworth, 2008). Students across many schools perceive mathematics as a study reserved for a few people who are left in charge of controlling the major systems in their economies (Ernest, 2000). This is because they view it is a hard subject and this negative perception undermines performance. Success achieved in the field of mathematics is not perceived by the students to be the main determinant of economic success within a country (Clements, Sarama & DiBiase, 2004). The students perceive mathematics as not being the most important element of the revolution of information. They view the other subjects taught in the school curriculums and skills acquired through every day practice as being the most vital determinants of the revolution in information (Ernest, 2000). Students in their first year of school perceive the study of mathematics as a study of doing things (Marshall, 2007). Very few students are involved in reading mathematical textbooks and are instead involved in the act of solving problems through doing actual things (Clements, Sarama & DiBiase, 2004). The language that is used in studying mathematics in schools is composed of imperatives that command students to perform certain tasks in specific ways. This implies that the capabilities of studying mathematics are perceived by students as being dominant and covering their overall studies in different fields (Ducksworth, 2008). Additionally, students perceive mathematics as a field that requires their understanding and abilities to work out problems (Marshall, 2007). This looks like a task for many students, and they will approach mathematics with a bad attitude, which challenges their perf ormance. Many first year students also believe that one cannot develop an appreciation for the field of mathematics without him or her having the capability of working out solutions (Ernest, 2000). According to Popham (2005), some of the students fail to achieve a high performance in schools due to the overvaluing or undervaluing of the field’

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Differences between Christian Beliefs and Buddhist Beliefs Research Paper

Differences between Christian Beliefs and Buddhist Beliefs - Research Paper Example This paper illustrates that in Christianity, the Ten Commandments is a list of rules imposed on Christians for the proper conduct of their lives. The goal of Christianity is to go to heaven after death. Thus, one must follow the Ten Commandments and God will allow them into heaven. In contrast, the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism is a set of suggestions for a more satisfactory life. The goal of Buddhism is to achieve Enlightenment, or nirvana, through one’s own efforts as there is no higher power than one’s self. Beliefs of Christianity and Buddhism As an organized religion, Christianity, when practiced by an individual, can be the only religion that is recognized. This is due to the belief that all other religions are false and practicing them would be sinful. Also, Christianity, more specifically Catholicism, contains only three central figures - the Father (God), the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. It is considered to be a sin to believe in or worship any o ther idol. According to Christian law, it is impossible to believe in God and to believe in other deities. Buddhism, as a way of life, has no contradiction in following more than one religion; there are many people that practice both Buddhism and another religion, even Christianity. There are also no creator gods or deities to worship. Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, is the founder of the Buddhist path and philosophy, but he is regarded more as a mentor or a leader rather than a god. Therefore, there has never been a purpose to worship him, nor did he ever desire it or request it from others. Christianity is organized based on hierarchical structure within the Church and specific days of observance. Christianity consists of numerous people of importance, such as the Pope, Deacons, bishops, monks, priests, ministers, youth ministers, and Sunday School teachers. Each person plays an important role in the running of the Church and in the teaching and spreading of the Chri stian message. Certain days of importance and holidays are observed, like Sundays, which is reserved for church, and other days that celebrate occasions in the life of Jesus, like birth (Christmas) and his resurrection (Easter). Buddhism, however, has no priestly hierarchy, though practitioners are able to become monks. These monks are similar to the monks of Catholicism, though they do not share the same religious duties. As previously stated, Siddhartha Gautama is recognized as the founder of Buddhism, but he is little more than a fellow practitioner of old. In regard to days of observance, Buddhism does not deem one day holier than another. Instead, practitioners are encouraged to celebrate every day that they are alive. Some people do observe the birth of the Buddha, but it is not considered to be a sacred holiday. Salvation is another vast difference between the two religions. In Christianity, salvation is achieved through faith, a relationship with Jesus Christ, and daily repe ntance of sin.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Review of Hamlet, performed in the lowry, salford quays Essay Example for Free

Review of Hamlet, performed in the lowry, salford quays Essay On Wednesday 3rd of November, the A-level drama groups from Queens Park High School went to see a version of Hamlet performed in the Salford Quays Lowry theatre. Directed by Japanese Yukio Ninagawa, he has added Japanese influences into the traditional Shakespearean tragedy. The design of the set used artistic impressionism: The barbed wire represented the conflict present within his mind. As well as this it was a useful medium to cordon certain areas of the stage. The light bulbs also representing conflict, which are regularly used in Shakespearean plays; in this case used (as with the barbed wire) to evince the conflict beginning in Hamlets mind. The light bulbs would alight and sway to signify a monologue, and were also a type of imagery demonstrating the mind- the light bulb is commonly used to mark an idea. The doors around the edge of stage were used to replicate the idea of an open space, and gave the stage an incredible sense of vastness. By using these doors and certain lighting, the director was able to indicate different times of day: during the scene with Hamlet and the ghost, the light gradually moved around all of the doors and successfully created the feeling of a rising sun. The costumes worn by some characters appeared unusual; the ghost king (although written to be Norwegian) wore a Samurai costume, and the entertainers wore costumes relating to the native kabuki or no theatre of Japan. Shakespeare would probably have used clowns or a similar type of act to demonstrate the murder of Hamlets father. The reason for this stems from the Japanese director, Ninagawa, who used his own culture to influence some aspects of the play. This was interesting when it came to the setting of the play, as it did not tie with the written adaptation which -as mentioned earlier- was supposed to be based in Norway, and there were no references to this. Other costumes were used well to represent different circles within the play- royalty and those associated were dressed in red: a royal colour. Ophelia and her family originally dressed in white, possibly symbolising purity and truth, until Polonius joins the King and Queen and also dresses in red. Horatio dresses in similar plain black clothing to Hamlet, but wore a blue scarf that could have been used to differentiate him from the royal family. The two scholars that appear at the Kings request both wear grey, high-class outfits and look very much like scholars. The final groups of people to explore are the Polish army, the leader of which wore a very modern leather coat- a mark of high status and power. The major costume changes that occur are when Gertrude asks to speak to Hamlet- at which point she wears a light blue, flowing gown, representing her purity and innocence, and the underwear worn by Ophelia, showing her in a dishevelled and unkempt state. The main sound effects occurred at the beginning of each act; rolling thunder, which accompanied the swaying lights. Music was used namely in the performance by the Kabuki theatre. During Ophelias madness, she vocalises some sonnets written by Shakespeare. Songs are also sung by the gravediggers, although they feature only for a short while and do not contribute much to the play as a whole. Overall, the design of the play was well thought out, and the director was able to use the space, lighting, sound and costume to create a well-devised and creative atmosphere. In comparison the setting and design of the play, the acting did not contribute in such an involving way. All characters were able to project their voices, which made the audience able to competently hear what the characters where saying. But emotion and expression were lacking in many of the characters e. g. one of the most well known lines of the play dear Jochum, I knew him well -spoken by Hamlet- was rushed and miscued. In a similar way, the characters of the King and Gertrude were greatly over-acted. The actors who demonstrated the best character development and realism were Polonius and Horatio. During the scene where Polonius forgets what he was going to say, many members of the audience believed that he had forgotten his lines, inducing laughter and amusement; exactly the reaction that Shakespeare intended. Horatio gave an excellent performance at the end of the play, producing real tears and a very convincing sadness at the death of his best friend Hamlet. The performances of both of these characters were consistent throughout the play. Due to the barbed wire on the stage, some of the movement seemed restricted, such as the sword fight between Hamlet and Laertes, where it appeared that they accidentally knocked the wire causing it to shake and distract the attention of the audience. The body language of each character was questionable: Gertrude and the King both had over-exaggerated arm movements, whereas Hamlet appeared not to over-use large movements such as pointing and flailing arms. Polonius had an interesting twitch in his right arm, which at first appeared to be nervousness of the actor, but on further investigation, was an intentional manoeuvre used to depict his slightly psychotic character. Ophelia created madness in her character after the death of her father by moving in a lyrical fashion, as though not really aware of her motion a successful tactic. Directors will use the versatility of the Hamlet script to create different relationships between characters, either successfully or unsuccessfully. Ninagawa made the following choices: The relationship between Polonius and Ophelia was interesting, because although at the beginning of the play Polonius chose to treat his daughter with disdain, Ophelia was quite obviously very disturbed and depressed about his death. This was perhaps conveying the true to life concept that one will love family no matter what the situation. Another relationship including Ophelia is the intimacy between herself and her brother without knowing the characters, the audience may have been fooled into thinking that Ophelia and Laertes are lovers, as they kiss. The kiss appears to have a romantic nature rather than the kiss the audience would expect within a family kiss. This could result in the audience being ambivalent about the relationship between Ophelia and Laertes. Ninagawa does not pursue the romantic relationship between Ophelia and Hamlet or Claudius and Gertrude, which the audience would expect to see some evidence of- at one point, the actor of Gertrude tried to embrace Claudius who pushed her away, and there was very little contact between Hamlet and Ophelia. Hamlet is an interesting character within himself, showing signs of contempt towards other characters, being indecisive and uncaring. It is within the monologues that the audience is exposed to the real Hamlet, which Ninagawa has chosen to portray as acting madness, as opposed to becoming crazed. The final relationship being considered is that of Hamlet and Gertrude. At the beginning of the play, the actors did not express sort of bond, and the first contact they appear to have is in Gertrudes closet, where she is moderately sexually harassed by Hamlet. This could have been executed in a much more perverse way, which fortunately the director did not choose to do. The acting in this version of Hamlet leaves a lot to be desired as lines were forgotten, words were misused and the some actors seemed lacking in direction. I feel that having heard the story of Hamlet after having seen the play, there was much that I misunderstood from watching and listening to the characters. Although true to the text, some of the words were spoken without expression and misinterpretation became easy attention lapsed. Having spoken to other audience members, certain key characters became easy to listen to despite the difficult context and even enjoy. The set and costume was admired for the provocative nature and was a success in almost all aspects. Overall, the play captured most moments that were significant either with the use of design or the skill of the able and talented actors.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Techniques Used By Advertisers To Influence Consumer Behaviours Media Essay

Techniques Used By Advertisers To Influence Consumer Behaviours Media Essay The development of modern advertising from the late 19th Century was driven and heavily influenced by psychological advertising and the technological changes of the time. Inspired by World War I propaganda and behavioural psychology, psychological advertising aimed to build upon consumer fears, needs and desires to promote and sell goods. It is fundamentally the grounds from which modern advertising was built upon. Technologically, The Depression had ended and with it saw the beginning of mechanised production. This led to the introduction of corporate manufacturers who turned to advertising to create a demand for their products and services. Other influences that advertisers used to promote consumerism were the use of the breakdown of social barriers, building on and creating needs for consumers (whether this be material or social), creating images and ideals related to products and market targeting. It was a time of social change influenced by these new technologies and forms of ad vertising which saw traditionalistic standards and morals be replaced by a materialistic and consumer driven culture particularly in womens role in society. Of all the forms of advertising the insurgences of nationally branded goods have had the most impact in shaping a consumer driven culture. After the depression, which spanned between 1870 the late 1890s production became mechanised which inturn allowed for the mass production of goods. The changing nature and significance of consumption grew not from the autonomous changes in the life of the citizen or the family but from the intersection of such changes with the emergence of large scale consumer goods industries.  [1]  However, the industry began to overproduce and therefore advertising was required to encourage consumers to buy the products the manufacturers began creating their own demand for their products. They were the first to have large scale national campaigns with a strong emphasis on branding and product identification and many of the enterprises still maintain strong market domination (in the United States) and continue large-scale advertising campaigns. These inc lude: Proctor and Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive, Campbell Soups and H.J Heinz.  [2]  With this influx of branding came a new style of advertising, there was less emphasis put on informing the consumer it was now about grabbing their attention making them feel like they need your companies product over the competition. As Schudson states eye catching appeal became a more vital attribute of a product, examples of which are; Good morning! Have you used Pears Soap? And National Biscuits, Lest you forget, we say it yet, Uneeda Biscuit. Slogans lead to the differentiation of almost identical products, creating a synonymous relationship in consumers minds. The late nineteenth century saw the introduction of the department store, this was a turning point for consumer industry as people were now shopping in a setting driven by choice and competition -one simply did not enter a shop and askà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦for an item. In the department stores, things were displayed and the shopper had a range of things to observe.  [3]  Due to this increase in consumer choice it fuelled an influx of advertising in newspapers as the department stores competed for the consumers attention. The need for product differentiation and therefore the advertising industry was evident. From the late 1880s techniques in advertising began to change. Editorial space in newspapers was dropped from seventy percent to fifty percent to allow more space for adverts and of this, twenty three was department store advertising  [4]  . Department store advertising was also responsible for pressuring newspapers to adopt new techniques in printing processes drawn from the poster. From 1867 large lithograph could be printed, allowing for larger type, illustrations and colour to be used in advertisements. Eventually they gave in and at the turn of the nineteenth century newspapers began dropping their column limitations allowing for the introduction of pictorial advertisements. This caused traditionalistic standards of advertising to disappear and give way to the vigorous inventiveness of advertisers as they sought new ways to promote goods and services.  [5]   One of these new ways of promotion was that of radio advertising. Radio had a strong presence in Britain due to the popularity of the BBC. However advertising through this medium had a negative stigma attached to it due to radio being viewed as a fundamentally cultural and entertaining medium. Radio advertising in Britain had begun with subliminal or sponsorship advertising in its cultural and entertaining programs with products and services being introduced through its radio dramas and entertainment (much like product placement in modern day television and films.)  [6]  Advertisers feared that there would be a negative reaction by the radio listeners for intruding in a medium that provided cultural, entertaining and educational resources. However once radio gained national coverage in the United States advertisers could not resist in the new medium to grab consumers attention. One of the main persuasions was radios ability to override consumers choice in viewing an advertisement , in comparison to print media if the consumer were tuned in to the radio they would hear the advertisement regardless of their interest in the product or service. The other persuasion was its ability to reach women during daytime programs. During this time, in the early 20th Century women were the decision makers when it came to consumer choices, they carried out the household shopping, and so there was an influx of advertisements appealing to the typical housewife. Radio as an advertising medium began to flourish during the 1920s and many of the large companies assisted their print ads with radio advertisements. Once advertising in radio was established there was now no media that was free of advertisings influence driving the notion of the 1920s as a consumer driven culture. Advertising techniques also included the endorsements of products by industry professionals. These advertisements normally featured some kind of medical professional or ministers testimony and they played on the idea of influencing the consumers emotions, creating an idea in their mind of the need for the product. At the turn of the 19th century patent medicine, like department stores were a fundamental part of the advertising. Essentially patent medicine advertising sought out to establish a comprehensible and memorable name for their product one which the consumer could remember and feel comfortable with. Secondly was the promise that the medicine was intended for, for example they promised to cure womens illnesses, colds and flues and various sexual ailments.  [7]  However, almost all of these products were unreliable and did not follow through with their promise and so advertising was needed in order for the products to be successful. Transportation, particularly the introduction of intraurban rail lines changed the spatial possibilities of daily life  [8]  . It allowed for people to work and shop further away than walking distance. It was an inexpensive and reliable transportation method and it caused a breakdown of social barriers the rich and the poor began travelling together.  [9]  These social barriers were also broken down through the portrayal of America as an affluent, classless society  [10]  in the advertisements of the early 1900s. The ads strived to convey the message that equality could be achieved as the middle-class could purchase the same product or service as that of the very rich. This was emphasised through slogans such as any woman can and every home can afford.  [11]  Domestic products were portrayed in a luxurious fashion and they borrowed characters and images from that of royalty in Europe. After the establishment of the mechanisation of production and new technologies were being supported, an influx of new inventions was released onto the market. Manufacturers identified that extensive advertising was required in order to create a demand for the products. These advertisements not only had to inform the consumer of the new technologies but they played upon new social standards particularly that of the modern day woman as many of the new inventions were electronic domestic appliances, for example; sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and electronic stoves and ovens. The manufacturers aimed to demonstrate that by using these appliances more time would be left for the most fulfilling reward leisure time.  [12]  And so, advertisers placed less emphasis on the actual product and portrayed the housewife carrying out leisurely activities, as reinstated by Marchand The desirability of the depicted substitute activity was the very essence of the ads appeal.à ‚  [13]  In most of these types of advertisements the actual product was absent or inferior to the activity that resulted due to the use of the product or service. Evidence of this can be seen in the advertising campaign during the 1920s of the American Laundry Machinery Company. This campaign, which was printed throughout numerous mass-circulation magazines, accentuated the pleasures that would arise from sending the family washing to a commercial laundry service. These ads showed women enjoying sociable and entertaining activities as opposed to slaving away with the washing. A quote from an advertisement published by the Association of the Laundry Owners National asks women the question Does the weekly washday take its heavy toll of hours that you could spend so joyously, so profitably in other ways?  [14]  Apart from the associations logo, the actual task of washing is not illustrated in the advertisement. The advertisements of this time, in comparison to those prior to th e turn of the nineteenth century, emphasised less on factual information and more on the actual consumer. This emphasis on the consumer led to, what academics refer to as a consumer culture. Traditionalistic values of the morals and ethics of hard work and self-denial were being replaced by an emphasis on materialism and individual pleasures as the way of leading a happy and fulfilling life and many conservative critics believe that advertising was responsible for this new consumer driven culture.  [15]  In 1890 Weber wrote material goods have gained an increasing and finally an inexorable power over the lives of men as at no previous period in history.  [16]  Evidence of this can be noted from the success of the Listerine advertisements of the early 1920s where consumers were persuaded to use Listerine mouthwash to combat the so-called disorder of halitosis. At the time of these ads going to press sales of Listerine dramatically increased. The advertisements drove the consumer to discover a new need  [17]   something that without the advertisements the consumer would not ha ve strived to fulfil. Therefore it can be concluded that the success of these types of advertisements, whether it be creating a new disorder, as in the Listerine ads, or telling women that wash day will steal their youth and beauty play upon influencing the emotions of the consumer and creating in their minds a false need.  [18]   There are many arguments regarding advertisings influence on the society and culture during the first half of the twentieth century. Changes in the market due to new technologies and the increase in production created a need for advertising that prior to the time was not required by manufacturers. Techniques used to sell this influx of merchandise were effective and somewhat immoral in cases. There is no argument however to ignore that on a whole, particularly in the United States that the society of the time had become more material dominated and traditional standards of living were becoming less dominant. However there is not enough evidence to suggest that advertising caused a consumer culture but rather both the technological advancements and the influence of advertising and other mediums of the time drove the social change.

Analysing factors influencing customer satisfaction

Analysing factors influencing customer satisfaction For this study, literature review will be based on several theoretical concepts such as discusses the relationship between, perceived quality, perceived value, customer expectation and corporate image that affects the customer satisfaction. 2.1 Customer satisfaction: The increase in technology has imposed mobile operators to provide customers with new features in their connection so that save existing customers. The relationship between service quality and perceived value should be freely brought to a focus by the service provider in curiosity with satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is there in general, appraisal after using a service for a stage set a time. Different factors have different influence on customers, these factors should be taken in order to account while making a strategy for customer satisfaction Heejin(2006). Heejin Lim A1 and Archana Kumar A2,4,8;journal,11,39;linkingpublicationresults,1:110880,1 The most common interpretations obtained from various authors reflect the notion that satisfaction is a feeling which results from a process of evaluating what has been received against what was expected, including the purchase decision itself and the needs and wants associated with the purchase (Armstrong Kotler, 1996). Bitner Zeithaml (2003) stated that satisfaction is the customers evaluation of a product or service in terms of whether that product or service has met their needs and expectations. According to Boselie, Hesselink, and Wiele (2002) satisfaction is a positive, affective state resulting from the appraisal of all aspects of a partys working relationship with another. The definition provided by Boselie et al. (2002) has been used for this study.(Øلن¦ÃƒËœÃ‚ ±ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¬ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¹ Ù Ãƒâ„¢Ã…   Ù†¦ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¬Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¯ Øلن¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¨ÃƒËœÃƒâ„¢Ã…  Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ article02_JanApr2009 ) Introduction In each company, customers are the most important element and are required to be handled and managed properly. The customers are satisfied when their expectations are fulfilled and delighted when their expectations are exceeded. Contented customers remain loyal buy more are less sensitive and speak positively about the company (Brown et al., 1992). Customer satisfaction normally indicates customer response to the state of fulfillment, and customer opinion of the fulfilled condition (Oliver, 1997). Kotler (1997) defines customer satisfaction as: Satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations. Recently the concept of customer satisfaction has received much attention. Satisfaction may be defined as a consumers post-purchase evaluation of a product or service (Zeithaml Bitner, 2003). In the past, many businesses took their customers for granted. Brown, T.J., Churchill, G.A. Peter, J.P. (1992). Improving the measurement of service quality; School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Oliver, C. (1997). Sustainable competitive advantage: Combining institutional and resource-based views. Strategic Management Journal, 18(9), 697-713. Kotler, P. (1997). Marketing management: Analysis, planning, implementation, and control. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Ziethaml, V.A. Bitner, M.J. (2003). Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. In the business when debating factors for service provider quality of service, customer value and customer satisfaction are becoming important. That is why high service quality should be focused for greater user loyalty to achieve higher customer satisfaction and to profit exceptional competitive advantage, keep for the future customer satisfaction the operator should not disregard reliability and assurance because there is a positive effect of reliability, pledge, and network quality on their satisfaction (Hing-Po 2002). Yonggui Wang, Hing-Po Lo, (2002) Service quality, customer satisfaction and behavior intentions: Evidence from Chinas telecommunication industry, info, Vol. 4 Iss: 6, pp.50 60 Whereas both service quality and customer satisfaction have certain things in common, satisfaction is widely viewed as a broader concept than service quality consideration thus; perceived service quality is a component of customer satisfaction (Zeithaml and Bitner, 1996). Attempts to understand customer satisfaction structure have produced several important insights. For example, disinformation and perceived quality were found to affect customer satisfaction more than expectations (Churchill and Surprenant, 1982) and expectancy-disinformation (Oliver and DeSarbo, 1988; Yi, 1990). Anderson and Sullivan (1993) also showed satisfaction to be a division of disinformation and perceived quality. Accordingly, customer satisfaction programs were praised as important implements that can increase profits by averting customers from deserting (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990). Customer satisfaction usually considered as customer reaction to the state of gratification and customer mind of the performed state (Oliver, 1997). Customer satisfaction is totally anxious with the services provided to and perceived by the customers, if there is high similar between perceived and provided services than the customer satisfaction level is very high that directly leads to high customer loyalty for mobile service providers (MSP) and the opposite. There are many benefits for a firm from a high customer satisfaction level, they imprison a high market share and capable of keep and maintain it: a essential and core policy of every business that heightens customer loyalty and prevents customer switching costs, increases customer price endurance, reduces marketing cost (Fornell, 1992). Customer satisfaction The index indicates how much customers are satisfied and how well their expectations are met. This construct evaluates overall satisfaction level of customers, fulfillment of their expectations, and companys performance versus the ideal provider. Customer satisfaction Several studies have shown that it costs about five times to gain a new customer as it does to keep an existing customer (Naumann, 1995) and these results into more interest in customer relationships. Thus, several companies are adopting customer satisfaction as their operational goal with a carefully designed framework. Hill and Alexander (2000) wrote in their book that companies now have big investment in database marketing, relationship management and customer planning to move closer to their customers. Jones and Sasser (1995) wrote that achieving customer satisfaction is the main goal for most service firms today. Increasing customer satisfaction has been shown to directly affect companies market share, which leads to improved profits, positive recommendation, lower marketing expenditures (Reichheld, 1996; Heskett et al., 1997), and greatly impact the corporate image and survival (Pizam and Ellis, 1999). Studies that supported the notion that expectations precede satisfaction include: Anderson, Fornell and Lehmann (1994), who conducted investigation on Swedish firms and reported that there is a positive and significant relationship between expectations and customer satisfaction. Definition Customer satisfaction as a process is defined as an evaluation between what was received and what was expected (Oliver, 1977, 1981; Olson and Dover, 1979; Tse and Wilton, 1988), emphasizing the perceptual, evaluative and psychological processes that contribute to customer satisfaction (Vavra, 1997, p. 4). Parker and Mathews (2001) however noted that the process of satisfaction definitions concentrates on the antecedents to satisfaction rather than satisfaction itself. Satisfaction as a process is the most widely adopted description of customer satisfaction and a lot of research efforts have been directed at understanding the process approach of satisfaction evaluations (Parker and Mathews, 2001). This approach has its origin in the discrepancy theory (Porter, 1961), which argued that satisfaction is determined by the perception of a difference between some standard and actual performance. Customer satisfaction to some organizations is a key to success; the reason here is to check the ability of their product to satisfy as much customers as they can, so that they can be the market leaders in their field. Many organizations followed the strategy of customer satisfaction and became the living legends e.g. Coke, Nestle, Shell Petroleum, Nokia, Sony and the list goes on and on. Every company mentioned here are an innovator and a market leader in any one or two of their products. Customer Satisfaction in Telecommunications The academic literature on customer satisfaction in telecommunications is relatively scattered and primarily concerned with mobile telecommunications customers (Woo and Fock 1999; Lee ct al. 2001). In particular, Woo and Fock (1999) examined the behavior of mobile telecommunication customers in Hong Kong. Transmission quality and network coverage were found to be the most important factors driving customer satisfaction in their study giving, therefore, high priority to product functionality in assessing the satisfaction of individual customers. In a similar vein, Lee et al. (2001) have examined the interaction between customer satisfaction, switching costs and loyalty behavior in mobile telecommunications in France. Schul and Schiff (1993), studying the satisfaction function of telecommunications customers in Israel, examined the impact of different research strategies on customer satisfaction ratings. That is, they examined the impact of placing the question of overall customer sati sfaction either at the beginning or at the end of the customer satisfaction questionnaire. It was found that placing the overall customer satisfaction question at the end of the questionnaire increases the correlation between the partial satisfaction coefficients and the overall customer satisfaction ratings. The current literature, however, addresses specific aspects of telecommunications but docs not provide an overall understanding of the dynamics of customer satisfaction. In a series of articles Finkelman et al. (1992a, 1992b) sought to address the problem of how customer satisfaction systems should be designed on behalf of telecommunications providers. They propose customer satisfaction measures focusing on experience from sales, installation, product usage, repair, and billing. All different aspects of customer-provider contacts require a customer satisfaction framework that will facilitate the selection of unbiased customer opinion about their experience with the telecommunication operator. This research, along side the consulting contributions of Gale (1994) are among the first public material concerning the transaction-specific customer satisfaction measurement in telecommunications.(Ù†¦ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¬Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¯ Ù†¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¨ÃƒËœÃƒâ„¢Ã…  Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ وؠ±ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¯ ) 2.2 perceived quality: In recent years, there was the growing importance of service quality and customer satisfaction in business and academia alike. Sureshchandar et al, (2003) and determined that the balance of power between service quality and customer satisfaction with an emphasis on these two constructs is the concept differs from the view of customers. According to customer perception Kim et al, 2004) Perceived quality depends on the combination of experience, word of mouth and the future intuition of quality of the mobile service. Every mobile customer requires best quality accordingly. Since companies are going on continuous improvement in quality through the latest technology, installing costly equipments, trying to improve call clarity and coverage. It is also observed that customer satisfaction is as well dependent on perceived quality and has the positive role towards the dependent. Similarly, user loyalty equally important has the stronger link with user satisfaction. Hence, proper care should be taken while formulating any long term policy for customer satisfaction. At last for building, customer satisfaction is a main determinant (Serkan 2005). Perceived quality is the limit up to which the product or service provided the necessary needs of users with more satisfaction. They were seen consumer expectations and services to be main precedents for the perceived service quality Measures the quality of service that focuses on a variety of such physical aspects, reliability and speed of response, and to ensure sympathy (Parasuraman et al, 1985). (Zeithaml and Bitner, 1996) said both service quality and customer satisfaction has convinced things in common, satisfaction is generally observed as a broader concept than service quality assessment; thus, perceived service quality is a component of customer satisfaction. Service quality was defined as the difference between the dimensions in customers perceived service and expectations of service (Parasuraman et al., 1988). Service quality is usually defined as the customers impression of the relative inferiority/superiority of a service provider and its services (Bitner and Hubert,1994) and is often considered similar to the customers overall attitude towards the company (Parasuraman et al., 1988; Zeithaml, 1988; Bitner, 1990). Perceived service quality (Parasuraman et al., 1985, 1988). Gro ¨nroos (1982) suggests that the consumers expectations are also influenced by marketing activities, external influences and word-of-mouth. He identifies two types of service quality; technical, related to what the customer gets from a service and functional, associated with how the service is delivered. Perceived quality is the served markets evaluation of recent consumption experience. This construct evaluates customization and reliability of a given product or service. Customization is the degree to which a product or service meets a customers requirements, and reliability is the degree to which  ¬Ã‚ rms offering is reliable, standardized, and free from decencies.PQ is expected to have a positive effect on PV and customer satisfaction (Fornell et al., 1996), and to be positively affected by image (Andreassen and Lindestad, 1998). SERVICE QUALITY Another factor that contributes to satisfaction is service quality. Service quality is defined as the difference between customer expectations and perceptions of service or as the customers satisfaction or dissatisfaction formed by their experience of purchase and use of the service (Gronroos, 1984 and Parasuraman et al.1988). Oliver (1993) reported that service quality is a casual antecedent of customer satisfaction, due to the fact that service quality is viewed at transactional level and satisfaction is viewed to be an attitude. Dabholkar et al. (1996) and Zeithaml et al. (1996) reported that the service quality divisions are related to overall service quality and or customer satisfaction. Fornell et al., (1996) expressed that satisfaction is a consequence of service quality. Hurley and Estelami (1998) argued that there is causal relationship between service quality and satisfaction, and that the perceptions of service quality affect the feelings of satisfaction. Pizam and Ellis (1999) stated that the gap that may exist between the customers expected and perceived service quality is a vital determinant of customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and not just only a measure of the quality of the service. Previous studies on mobile telecommunication services, measured services quality by call quality, pricing structure, mobile devices, value-added services, convenience in procedures, and customer support (Kim, 2000; Gerpott et al., 2001; Lee, Lee, Freick, 2001). Perceived quality is measured through three questions: overall quality, reliability, and the extent to which a product or service meets the customers needs. Satisfaction Measurement: Perceived Quality Measures Perceived quality is often measured through three measures: overall quality, perceived reliability, and the extent to which a product or service meets the customers needs. Customer perceptions of quality are the single greatest predictor of customer satisfaction. 2.3 perceived value: According to Heinonen (2004) defined perceived value as the consumers overall assessment of the usefulness of a product based on perceptions on what is received and what is given. Companies are able to increase customer satisfaction by creating customer value through a lot of means such as providing customers with the comparative net value, the effectiveness, efficiency, and differentiation of services, which can be delivered via logistics (Langley Holcomb 1992). Both time and place of service delivery are indicated to be important dimensions of customer perceived value, and when or where the service is delivered should be determined by consumers rather than by companies. Perceived value is related to the price extent of mobile services. Because all the businesses in the world are done for profit so investment in mobile industry is also for some advantage in terms of profits. So those gratify the basic and awaited customer value companies do not have to put so much effort into what they are doing (Gunnar Malin, 2006). On the assumption, that everyone in the world is seeking his/her benefits so customers are also expecting benefits in terms of values. Intentions to adopt or reject a mobile service seem to be determined to a greater degree by perceived benefits than by a perceived limit (Ancker et al, 2003). As MSPs are investing a lot but still there are much badly in the real and perceived value of the customers, latest survey by Barnhoorn (2006) show that although there is progress but still perceived value from the telecom players has the lowest achieve, this is risen from 71% in 2005 to 76% in 2006. However, how and to which extent MSPs are chargi ng their customers and give the value to the customers. MSPs have to increase the switching cost in order to increase natural life customer value and customer retention by implementing relationship-oriented marketing strategies (Hankel et al, 2006). As the companies give high value to customers in terms of charges than a satisfaction level gets high that leads to customer loyalty. The impact of value on customer satisfaction is studied by Cottet, Lichtlà ©, and Plichon (2006). By adopting the definition suggested by Holbrook (1996, 1999), they defined customer perceived value as an interactive, preferential and relative experience. Results of their research reveal that both utilitarian and hedonic values are positively related with customer satisfaction, and further, hedonic value is suggested to be more important for customer satisfaction than a utilitarian value. PV Perceived value is measured through two questions: overall price given quality and overall quality given price. Although perceived value is of great importance for the (first) purchase decision, it usually has somewhat less impact on satisfaction and repeat purchase. Satisfaction Measurement: Perceived Value Measures Perceived value may conceptually refer to the overall price divided by quality or the overall quality divided by price. Perceived value is measured in many ways including overall evaluation of value, expectations of price that would be paid, and more rigorous methodologies including the Van Westendorp pricing analysis, and conjoint analysis (other Qualtrics white papers and tutorials are available on these topics). Perceived value PV is the perceived level of product quality relative to the price paid by customers. PV is the rating of the price paid for the quality perceived and a rating of the quality perceived for the price paid (Fornell et al., 1996). PV structure provides an opportunity for comparison of the  ¬Ã‚ rms according their price-value ratio (Anderson et al., 1994). In the CSI-TMPS model, PV is expected to be positively affected by PQ, and it has a positive impact on satisfaction. Perceived value is defined as the results or benefits customers receive in relation to total costs (which include the price paid plus other costs associated with the purchase) or the consumers overall assessment of what is received relative to what is given (Holbrook,1994 and Zeithaml, 1988). Additionally, Zeithaml (1988) found out that customers who perceive that they receive value for money are more satisfied than customers who do not perceive they receive value for money. Several studies have shown that perceived value is significant determinant of customer satisfaction (Anderson et al. (1994); Ravald and Gronroos (1996); and McDougall and Levesque, 2000). Turel and Serenko (2006) in their investigation of mobile services in Canada suggested that the degree of perceived value is a key factor affecting customer satisfaction. Past research studies suggested that there are four features, which are key drivers of the customer value of cellular services: network quality, price, customer care, and personal benefits (Booz, Allen Hamilton, 1995, Danaher Rust, 1996; Bolton, 1998; Gerpott, 1998; Wilfert, 1999). The network quality refers to excellent indoor and outdoor coverage, voice clarity, and no connection breakdowns. Price refers to what is paid to obtain access to use the network. Customer care refers to the quality of the information exchanged between customer and supplier or network provider in response to enquiries and other activities initiated by the network provider, for example presentation of invoices. Personal benefits refer to the level of perception of the benefits of mobile communications services by individual customers. It is apparent from this review that one of the factors customers use to determine satisfaction level is the benefits received from a product or service in comparison with what is spent. Perceived value is not a focus of this study (however customer satisfaction evaluation captures perceived value; the assessment shows what consumers value in the service received). The suggested mobile services attributes (features) will be used to assess customer satisfaction in this study. 2.4 Customer Expectation Expectations are the consequences of previous experience with the companys products. This erected appraises customer expectations for overall quality, for product and service quality, and for ful ¬Ã‚ llment of personal needs. Customer expectations construct is anticipated to have a direct and positive relationship with customer satisfaction (Anderson et al., 1994). Customer expectations Expectations are the results of prior experience with the companys products. This construct evaluates customer expectations for overall quality, for product and service quality, and for fulfillment of personal needs. Customer expectations construct is expected to have a direct and positive relationship with customer satisfaction (Anderson et al., 1994). In the ACSI and ECSI, it is assumed that customer expectations have a direct effect on perceived value. Customer Expectations Expectations combine customers experiences with a product or service and information about it via media, advertising, salespersons, and word-of-mouth from, other customers. Customer expectations influence the evaluation of quality and forecast (from. customers pre-purchase perspective) how well the product or service will perform. 2.5 Corporate Image The image constructed appraises the fundamental image of the company. Image applied to the brand name, and the type of association customers get from the product/company (Andreassen and Lindestad, 1998). Martensen et al. (2000) indicates that image is an important component of the customer satisfaction model. For the companies, image is a result of being reliable, professional and inventive, having contributions to society, and adding good reputation to its user. It is expected that image has a positive effect on customer expectations, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Corporate Image The image constructs evaluates the fundamental image of the company. Image refers to the brand name and the kind of association customers get from the product or service /company (Andreassen and Lindestad, 1998). Martensen et al. (2000) indicates that image is an important component of the customer satisfaction model. For the companies, image is a result of being reliable, qualified and innovative, having contributions to society, and adding reputation to its customers. It is expected that image has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Corporate image Andreassen and Lindestad (1998) posit that corporate image, through a filtering effect, impacts a customers evaluation of service quality, value, and satisfaction. In other words, corporate image creates a halo effect on customer satisfaction. In this study, a cumulative or relational level measure reflecting a customers overall impression and mental picture of the firm represents corporate image (Bloemer et al., 1998; Zimmer and Golden, 1988). Consumers who develop a positive mental schema of a brand will tend toward high customer satisfaction through a halo effect where all things associated with the brand are similarly valence. As such ( Ù†¦ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¬Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¯ Ù†¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¨ÃƒËœÃƒâ„¢Ã…  Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ corporate image ) H 5 . Corporate image has a significant, positive effect on customer satisfaction. Corporate image is a result of a customers overall consumption experiences (Nguyen and Leblanc, 2001). The same mechanism is available for overall satisfaction. Since customer satisfaction and corporate image measures are collected simultaneously, customers consumption experiences, which can be summarized as satisfaction, naturally affect the evaluations of corporate image (Johnson et al., 2001). For this reason, it is proposed that satisfaction positively affects corporate image in Turkish customer satisfaction index model. (National customer) Concerning the role emotions play in customer evaluations, there is the indication shows that customer satisfaction is influenced by both perceptive and affective constituents (Homburg et al., 2006; Liljander and Strandvik, 1997; Westbrook and Oliver, 1991). In fact, recently there has been growing interest in studying the affective nature of satisfaction (Smith and Bolton, 2002; Zeelenberg and Pieters, 2004). Emotions experienced by individuals may leave affective follow in their memory associated with their experience with the service, and these people may admission them when judging their satisfaction level (MacInnis and de Mello, 2005). As emotions predict satisfaction, the positive and negative emotions experienced by customers after complaint handling will impact their level of satisfaction with the service (Liljander and Strandvik, 1997; Mano and Oliver, 1993; Szymanski and Henard, 2001; Westbrook and Oliver, 1991). Consumer behavior literature defends a valence congruent rela tionship between emotions and satisfaction (Dube ´ and Menon, 2000), The CSI model is a structural model based on the assumptions that customer satisfaction is caused by some factors such as perceived quality (PQ), perceived value (PV), expectations of customers, and image of a firm. These factors are the antecedents of overall customer satisfaction. one of the more commonly cited definitions is that supplied by Zeithaml (1988: 14), who defined value as: the consumers overall assessment of the utility of a product based on perceptions of what is received and what is given. This view posits perceived value as a uni-dimensional construct that can be measured simply by asking respondents to rate the value that they received in making their purchases. Woodruff (1997: 142) defined perceived value as:[a] customers perceived preference for an evaluation of those product attributes, attribute performances, and consequences arising from use that facilitate (or block) achieving the customers goals and purposes in use situations. Woodruff, R.B. (1997) Customer Value: The Next Source for Competitive Advantage,Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 25(2): 139-53. Holbrooks typology of perceived value Holbrook (1994: 22, 1996: 138, 1999: 5) defined perceived value as an interactive relativistic preference experience. Customers determine satisfaction level of any purchased service by the perceptions of quality received. The American Customer Satisfaction Model According to the model, there exists a positive association between perceived customer expectations (PE) and perceived quality (PQ), perceived value (PV) and satisfaction. Canada. H 1 . Service quality has a significant, positive effect on customer satisfaction. In addition to the studies above, Fornell et al., (1996) report that the top two determinants of customer satisfaction are perceived quality and perceived value. Thus, the second hypothesis is: H 2. Perceived value has a significant, positive effect on customer satisfaction.